Mohamed .
egypt Cairo, Egypt ( GMT )
4 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I am mohamed abobakr, i am a software engineer. I have some experience in software engineering, i had an internship at Microsoft last summer, worked as a freelancer and currently i work at Webalo. I know about c, c++, java, python, web development (html, css, react, node), APIs and Databases.

I am mohamed abobakr, i am a software engineer. I have some experience in software engineering, i had an internship at Microsoft last summer, worked as a freelancer and currently i work at Webalo. I know about c, c++, java, python, web development (html, css, react, node), APIs and Databases.

Software Engineer
Aug'20- present

at Webalo

am a member
Jul'19- Sep'19

Research Intern at Speech Recognition and Machine Translation Team I was responsible for Arabic Dialect Identification and Scaling the model with Eather Module.

Node.Js and Python
Jun'17- Jul'20

Built many full stack applications: E-commerce Platform, E-learning System, Bookstore, Admin dashboard and Digital orders. Projects • Garbage Management System (Node.Js and Python): ◦ This is done by a network of smart bins which integrates techniques to monitor and analyze data collected to provide predictive routes generated through algorithms for garbage trucks and recommend products for users. • E-commerce Platform (React.Js and Node.Js): ◦ Using Navigation and Routing to select different product categories and add them to Cart. ◦ Increase or decrease items and show the changes dynamically in Total price and Contents. ◦ Integrate with a stripe API to handle payments • Image Caption Generator(Python and Keras): A neural network to generate captions for an image using CNN and RNN with BEAM Search. • Multi-user Chat Application (Java): A chat application which allows more than one client to connect with each other. Dealing with Client side and Server side with Java socket programming and Multithreading. • PINTOS (PHASES I AND II) (C): Pintos is a simple operating system framework for the 80x86 architecture. It supports kernel threads, loading and running user programs, and a file system. • Emojify (Keras): A Keras model which inputs a sentence and finds the most appropriate emoji to be used with this sentence using Word Embeddings and LSTM. • Neural Style Transfer (Tensorflow): A Tensorflow model which implements the neural style transfer algorithm and generates novel artistic images. • Happy House (Keras): A Face Recognition model using Keras which determines whether the face is smiling or not. And if it's smiling, let the person enter the house. • BBC news analyzer (Python): An analyzer for bbc-arabic youtube channel using python and Youtube API. • SIC/XE Assembler (Java): A software that assembles SIC/XE programs and creates object code. • DBMS (Java): Xml and Json based DBMS integrated with JDBC API & a finite state machine based SQL processor.

Computer Engineering
zu 2020
Bachelor's Degree
Alexandria University

Talent hat keine Projekte hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Kurse hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Schulungen hinzugefügt
Very good