Abu .
bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh ( GMT )
6 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I am a software engineer with over 6 years of experience. As a Software Engineer, I am highly skilled in JavaScript. My solid background as a software engineer has allowed me to manage teams with exceptional performance.

I believe that my qualities and experience make me suitable for remote job.

I am a software engineer with over 6 years of experience. As a Software Engineer, I am highly skilled in JavaScript. My solid background as a software engineer has allowed me to manage teams with exceptional performance.

I believe that my qualities and experience make me suitable for remote job.

Software Engineer Momos
Mar'21- present

Responsibilities: ● Building a SaaS for restaurant ● Develop initial project architecture, integrate typescript, custom component, util functions/lib ● Develop marketing tools, marketing automation, one click promo solution, social media management ● Developed Survey module where customers can provide survey using qr code scan ● Restaurant can create their own microsite through our platform ● Worked on Review Management, Chatbot analytics, Survey analytics, Performance reporting, Sales prediction ● Developed Marketing Management, Content Management, Time series, data table, generate csv ● Develop Access control module for subscription flexibility ● Developed system configuration for feature access, feature versioning, feature flag ● Develop Assets library for providing suggestion while creating promotion ● Integrate third party service(Facebook, Grab, Foodpanda, Deliveroo, UberEats, Doordash etc.) ● Developing messaging system from scratch ● Develop Chatbot builder module ● Technologies: ReactJs, NodeJs, TypeScript, ChartJs, Postgresql, Redux, Context, Hook, Formik, Yup, Jest, Testing Library, Enzyme, Docker, Antd, Styled-Component, Sass, Less, AWS, Webpacker, Babel, Zeplin, Figma, Hotjar

Software Engineer
Apr'20- Mar'21

Products: ● Verifilink - Tax automation, filing & prediction for USA based citizens, Increase new customer almost 15% ● TaxRise - Tax reducing system, increased existing customer satisfaction 40% Responsibilities: ● Developing FinTech solution - Tax analysis, Automation, Prediction ● Develop reusable component, custom hook, custom controller for handling steps ● Contribute to the React Projects core architecture, develop boilerplate and R&D projects. ● Develop dashboard to run operations, kind of CRM ● Technologies: ReactJs, JavaScript, TypeScript, Redux, Context, Hook, Formik, Jest, Testing Library, Enzyme, Python(Django), Docker, Carbon Design, Angular Material, Bootstrap, HAML, Sass, AWS, Grunt, Gulp, Webpacker, Babel, NightmareJs, ParcelJs, Zeplin, Figma

Software Engineer
HashKloud BD
Jul'17- Apr'20

Products: ● Upay - Blockchain based Digital Payment System, 1 Million people used from Bangladesh ● Upay Felmo - Used more than 100k immigrant for remittance sending ● TradeCloud - Letter of credit system for DHAKA BANK, increased their Corporate Client 25% ● ServisKloud - Issue Tracking Software for BANGLADESH. Responsibilities: ● Develop QR Code based Digital Wallet(digital payment system). ● Develop UI for Online Payment Gateway. ● Develop Web portal's where Maker, Checker, Approver perform's their assigned Tasks. ● Develop Web Portal for KYC(Know Your Customer), AML verification and other verification processes. ● Develop Web portal to export all kinds of Transactions or Queries in Excel and PDF format. ● Monitoring Web portal for Bank User, Merchant, Insurance, Online Merchant, Customers. ● Audit Trail, Version system, Transaction analysis Web portal. ● Web portals for customer's memo, customer's complaint, activity log. ● Campaign & Charges configuration(Slab, Flat, Percentage) web portal for merchants and customers. ● Developed Cross Platform Mobile Application, Letter of credit system, Amendment, Issue tracking software. ● Technologies: AngularJS, ReactJs, Angular, TypeScript, CoffeeScript, Ionic 4, NodeJs, Angular Material, Bootstrap, HAML, Sass, AWS, Socket Programing, Grunt, Gulp, Webpacker, Babel, NightmareJs, ParcelJs.

Software Engineer
Cloud Of Choice
Jun'16- Jun'17

● Customized open source project and develop RESTful Web Service. ● Database redesign with existing design. ● Customized Card management & HealthCare system. ● Deployment in Amazon Web Service. ● Products: OpenMRS(Medical record system), Mifos Initiatives(Micro Finance) ● Technologies: Java SpringMVC, Hibernate, AngularJs, Periscopedata, AWS, Bitbucket

Computer Science & Engineering
zu 2016
Bachelor's Degree
BRAC University

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