Martin .
bulgaria Sofia, Bulgaria ( GMT )
20 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I have worked for more than 17 years in the IT field, mostly in web app development. I'm fascinated by JS and am currently focused on Vue.js and Composition API, together with Serverless MongoDB functions. Over the years, I have faced any type of frontend and serverside issues and had the chance to build different projects from scratch - WordPress custom websites, mobile hybrid apps, HTML5 animated banners, SPAs, and API integrations. I am running a small web-dev agency for several years now, and I usually do most of the projects myself having the possibility to grow through challenges and solve creative and logistic problems. When I work on more complex projects, I act as a project manager and pack a team from my colleague network. I have worked remotely since year two thousand and nine, and I have solid remote working habits. The reason I am applying to RemotePlatz is to find more Vue.js projects / GSAP animation projects, as this is the area I plan to develop in the next few years, and I have a few complete SPA projects with Vue, and composition API, that I have built from scratch. I love to work with people, and my experience shows that transparency, integrity, and communication culture are keys to long and successful partnerships and a door to new friendships. Out of the work scope, I love reading and sharing time with my wife and two kids. I swim every morning and have two villas in Bulgaria, where I spend spring and summer. :)

I have worked for more than 17 years in the IT field, mostly in web app development. I'm fascinated by JS and am currently focused on Vue.js and Composition API, together with Serverless MongoDB functions. Over the years, I have faced any type of frontend and serverside issues and had the chance to build different projects from scratch - WordPress custom websites, mobile hybrid apps, HTML5 animated banners, SPAs, and API integrations. I am running a small web-dev agency for several years now, and I usually do most of the projects myself having the possibility to grow through challenges and solve creative and logistic problems. When I work on more complex projects, I act as a project manager and pack a team from my colleague network. I have worked remotely since year two thousand and nine, and I have solid remote working habits. The reason I am applying to RemotePlatz is to find more Vue.js projects / GSAP animation projects, as this is the area I plan to develop in the next few years, and I have a few complete SPA projects with Vue, and composition API, that I have built from scratch. I love to work with people, and my experience shows that transparency, integrity, and communication culture are keys to long and successful partnerships and a door to new friendships. Out of the work scope, I love reading and sharing time with my wife and two kids. I swim every morning and have two villas in Bulgaria, where I spend spring and summer. :)

Head Of Research And Development
Bright Marketing Research
Feb'19- present

The Bright RDI team provides cutting edge solutions for the Market Research industry that help to address and improve some of the ever-problematic processes. Through different applications of modern technologies like cloud translate, AI/ML, and cross-industry approach, we're pushing the boundaries of:• Detection and auto-cleaning of survey Open-end questions via AI trained language models;• MaxDiff design and analysis;• Surveys translation optimization, centralization, and management;• Surveys GDPR compliance and Personal Identifiable Information check;• One-page Patient Record Forms;• Text-coding optimizations;• Interactive surveys;If you're looking to optimize your MR business or ever struggled with the development of a reliable and useful tool for your customized company needs - let's talk!

Managing Owner at HTML5 Banners Bulgaria
Aug'13- present

At HTML5 Banners we have done over 1,800 creatives 'till the beginning of 2019 for clients from the US and EU. Our vision is to help business clients as well as advertising, creative and 360 agencies standing-up with stunning, smooth and lightweight Display campaigns that entertain and amaze their end-customers. Need something more than just a banner - like an app, a landing page or something really specific and cool? We can help you. Looking to move these processes in-house? We can teach you how.Welcome to ping me up with any questions concerning:- Google Ads (former AdWords) HTML5 Display creatives;- Display and Video 360 (former DoubleClick) HTML5 Creatives - Dynamic, Remarketing (Floodlight based), LI-based, In-banner video, VPAID, Rich Media;- IAB Compliant, custom HTML5 Display Creatives;- Display Creatives Design Systems;- HTML5 Display production automation;- Cross-Platform Display production systems;- HTML5 apps, landing pages, and customer experiences;- Moving Digital Marketing (Implementation, GDPR compliance, Creative, Reporting) in-house;

Marketing Manager
Dec'12- Jul'19

DELVE is a Data Action Company. We maximize marketing ROI through data activation.DELVE clients believe that Good Data = Sales. We clean up and analyze clients' Google Analytics or Transactional "1st Party" data. We map this 1st Party data to external "3rd Party" data, and deliver Insights. Data-driven Insights enable max-ROI Programmatic Display programs: video, banners, in-app.Unleashing the power of data to drive campaign performance has been key to DELVE's approach since it's founding in 2007.

Prezi Expert and Trainer
Apr'11- present

Need a professional, zooming and interactive presentation? is a service, primarily dedicated to the design and development of Prezi presentations with additional touch of design, typography and originality. We can also integrate your ready Prezi presentation in a website or Facebook application, add tracking capabilities and many is Independent Prezi Expert listed on official website page for more than 4 years.

Manager Web Solutions
A Team
Jan'09- Apr'19

Throughout the past decade, I had the honor to support the company and many of the group local and international brands in their digital activities.Experience and responsibilities:¤ Web sites PM (design, development, SEO, support);¤ Internet Advertising (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Display and Performance Advertising in BG media websites and AD serving networks);¤ Social network campaigns (FB Fan Pages, FB apps, GraphAPI, OAuth 2.0);¤ Viral and guerilla campaigns;¤ Hybrid Mobile development (PhoneGap, Ionic, Angular JS, Vanilla JS);

Owner at ITWS
Sep'08- present

Main responsibilities: ¤ Project Management;- ¤ Internet Marketing, Research and Advertising campaigns;¤ Internet Entrepreneurship;¤ ITWS co-ops network management;¤ Relations with Foreign Investors.

Sales Manager Project Manager Market Analyst at DEPO
Feb'08- Jan'09

Animations, Web Design and Development, Interactive Presentations, Illustration, Game Development, Cartooning and character Design, Logos design, Corporate Identity, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), AdWords campain managements and improvement.

Fraud Analyst Sales Manager and Client Support at Ancient Media
Hosting Customer Care
Sep'03- Feb'08

Accounting - full service and maintenance;- Phone, Mail, LiveChat Hosting Customer Care;- Sales Management and Fraud Analysis.

Project Manager Survey Programming and Translations
Mar'01- Sep'03

Project Management;- Communication with End Clients like DELL, Microsoft, Johnson & Johnson etc; - Survey Programming, evaluation and translation (English to Spanish).

zu 2006
Bachelor's Degree
UNWE Sofia

Digitalized board game for a Bank.

The project was pretty exciting. I digitalized entirely an offline board game. The rules, the number of players, and the player's points and rounds are all stored and managed via VUEX state management. I was using Vue.js options API for this project and VUEX for state management. The game is animated via GSAP JS animation library for which I, as a developer, have had a business green license for almost a decade. The game is not having a database, as the purpose was to create just a board game representation. On a browser refresh, the game restarts.

The link to the project is available here:
The game is in Bulgarian, so please reach out for an explanation in English and some code examples. :)

Digitalized board game for a Bank.

The project was pretty exciting. I digitalized entirely an offline board game. The rules, the number of players, and the player's points and rounds are all stored and managed via VUEX state management. I was using Vue.js options API for this project and VUEX for state management. The game is animated via GSAP JS animation library for which I, as a developer, have had a business green license for almost a decade. The game is not having a database, as the purpose was to create just a board game representation. On a browser refresh, the game restarts.

The game is in Bulgarian, so please reach out for an explanation in English and some code examples. :)

Digitalized board game for a Bank.

The project was pretty exciting. I digitalized entirely an offline board game. The rules, the number of players, and the player's points and rounds are all stored and managed via VUEX state management. I was using Vue.js options API for this project and VUEX for state management. The game is animated via GSAP JS animation library for which I, as a developer, have had a business green license for almost a decade. The game is not having a database, as the purpose was to create just a board game representation. On a browser refresh, the game restarts.

The link to the project is available here:
The game is in Bulgarian, so please reach out for an explanation in English and some code examples. :)

Code registration game for FMCG company

What was needed: 

The client had a nationwide activation for one of their product. The client had millions of codes, expected a high game engagement, and needed a fast, reliable solution with weekly prize draws. The solution shall be easy to use, interactive comix with locked chapters and sub-chapters that the customer can unlock with a code. At the end of each week, all codes registered this week shall enter into the lottery with different amounts of draws based on the registered codes per user. The solution shall be lightweight, optimized for high load, and easy to maintain.

The Solution:
The design idea (planets, path, comixes) was provided conceptually by an agency. I created a mockup in Adobe XD, then the agency used it to produce the assets of the game. My part was to develop it and test it, as well as to maintain it after launch. I came up with the idea to build the solution in Vue3 with their Composition API in order to manage the game easily. For the sake of security, I have chosen to use MongoDB Atlas for this project with an innovative approach. - for DB - MongoDB Cluster; - for Authentication - MongoDB Realm / App Services - user/pass with functions to send custom email; The authentication was with granular rights for information access per user type. - for communication with MongoDB Atlas - Realm Web SDK with the Serverless Functions and 1-2 Endpoints for public information. - for e-mail automation, I've integrated the SendGrid API as a dependency in the Serverless Functions. - For easy management, I have made a separate admin control panel with the option to reply to messages and pull winners, then to write in the winner list for the week, and finally, to send them emails with winning vouchers.
The Result:
The game was promoted by influencers and had success with thousands of engaged users and registered codes. Even after the promotion was complete, there were more than 1K registered users to view the game comics for the planets.

Project Link:
The link to the project is available here:
The game is in Bulgarian, so please reach out for an explanation in English and some code examples. :)

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