Uwe Aime .
tanzania Zanzibar, Tanzania ( GMT )
7 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I am Uwe Aime Valeur and am a software engineer with 7 years of experience in software development. My Primary Tech Stacks and approaches, are Python with Django/Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, Flask, Docker, CI/CD/Heroku/AWS/Cloudinary, TDD, C#, and Dotnet core(WEB API), and Laravel or Lumen for PHP and a little of Next Js and React Js I have been developing in Django using Django rest framework, flask framework, and Laravel framework, some Node Js/Express services Planning to learn blockchain development and smart contracts using Python I am also familiar with mobile development languages/UI kits (Kotlin/Flutter). I am familiar with TDD, Docker, Code Coverage, Code Quality, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery. and Amazon Web Services(AWS), Digital Ocean, Heroku, Cloudinary, Django Haystack, Elastic Search, RabbitMQ I worked on different kinds of solutions such as AUTH applications, E-commerce, and Management Systems(Hardware, Schools, Libraries, Law firms, HRs, and Property Management Systems), I developed a chat engine using Laravel and Pusher that is being used with some of my clients, I am also a contributor of some python libraries, Laravel package development, and PHP library development, NOTE: Most of the solutions I developed are internal and can not be able to be shared, And in all of them I did, planning/requirement analysis, design, testing, and implementation.

I am Uwe Aime Valeur and am a software engineer with 7 years of experience in software development. My Primary Tech Stacks and approaches, are Python with Django/Django Rest Framework, FastAPI, Flask, Docker, CI/CD/Heroku/AWS/Cloudinary, TDD, C#, and Dotnet core(WEB API), and Laravel or Lumen for PHP and a little of Next Js and React Js I have been developing in Django using Django rest framework, flask framework, and Laravel framework, some Node Js/Express services Planning to learn blockchain development and smart contracts using Python I am also familiar with mobile development languages/UI kits (Kotlin/Flutter). I am familiar with TDD, Docker, Code Coverage, Code Quality, Continuous Integration, and Continuous Delivery. and Amazon Web Services(AWS), Digital Ocean, Heroku, Cloudinary, Django Haystack, Elastic Search, RabbitMQ I worked on different kinds of solutions such as AUTH applications, E-commerce, and Management Systems(Hardware, Schools, Libraries, Law firms, HRs, and Property Management Systems), I developed a chat engine using Laravel and Pusher that is being used with some of my clients, I am also a contributor of some python libraries, Laravel package development, and PHP library development, NOTE: Most of the solutions I developed are internal and can not be able to be shared, And in all of them I did, planning/requirement analysis, design, testing, and implementation.

Senior Software Engineer
May'21- present

- 09/2022 • Created tools that made development process easy and efficient, Improved frontend and backend performance using best practices and latest tech stack including caching and dockerized them • Worked on Pub Sub Mechanism to allow services to exchange messages using RabbitMQ • Collaborated with business unit team members to design new applications system to enhance client requirements for mobile computing capabilities TECHNOLOGIES USED: Next JS, Laravel, Node JS/Express, C# (Dot Net/WebAPI), JavaScript, Docker, MySQL, Gatsby, Svelte, React Js, Vue Js, RabbitMQ/Redis, GraphQL, MongoDB

Backend Engineer
Dec'20- May'21

Remote (Full-time)- Austin, Texas, USA • 12/2020 - 05/2021 • Improved frontend and backend performance using best practices and latest tech stack including caching, indexing TECHNOLOGIES USED: Django, Django Rest Framework, Python, Docker, CI/CD, Elastic Search, Redis, Django Haystack

Python Library Contributor
Oct'20- Jun'21

Worked on python library that allowed different services to communicate

Senior Backend Engineer
RW Build
Aug'18- Apr'21

• Prepared variety of different written communications, reports and documents. • Conducted research, gathered information from multiple sources and presented results. • Created Auth system for services to authenticate and authorize their users • Create chat engine to allow users on those services to communicate TECHNOLOGIES USED: PHP, Laravel, Vue JS, MySQL, Firebase, Lumen, Pusher, Web Socket, Laravel forge,

Founder CTO
NiiPO Network
Aug'14- Jan'21

Collaborated with clients to define solution requirements, accounting for applicable development variables. • Identified and documented project changes by proactively overseeing budgeting and scope concerns. • Led development from gathering the projects requirements, analyzing, implementing, deploying and monitoring them live TECHNOLOGIES USED: PHP, Laravel, MySQL, Firebase, E: P: +97 Call/WhatsApp A: Rwanda - Kigali

Computer science in secondary school
zu 2013
Bachelor's Degree

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