SNA Nilim .
bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh ( GMT )
8 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten Within a Month Englisch: Fortgeschritten

Total 8+ years experience in the software industry. 2+ years experience in machine learning and data science. As a full stack software developer or MERN developer, I have 4+ years experience in Node JS, React JS and MongoDB and 2+ years experience in web development.

Total 8+ years experience in the software industry. 2+ years experience in machine learning and data science. As a full stack software developer or MERN developer, I have 4+ years experience in Node JS, React JS and MongoDB and 2+ years experience in web development.

Software Engineer
Sheba Technologies
Dec'18- present

• Develop REST API for BRAC carrier hub project with Node JS and Express JS.
• Develop Middle ware API for Robi project with Node JS and Typescript. 
• Developed face recognition based API. This API you can use in face verification, face identification or Face • Work On Robi SVS project, build middle-ware API with node js. • Work on DO ICT SRDL project, developed agent software with python.

Some of My Personal Projects Experience:

Node API Boilerplate | Node JS, Typescript • It's an open source project for node API developers which give Them a quick start to develop a node project. Authentication Also included. Node React Boilerplate | Node JS, React, Redux, Next JS • It's an open source project for node react developers which gives Them a quick start to develop a node project. Authentication Also included.
Compare Two Face | Python, Siamese neural network, Tensorflow, FaceNet, Pytorch, ArcFace • It's a face verification task. In this project getting embedding of two face and use cosine similarity to identify how similar they are. For embedding [it was most challenging part] we tried or used too many technique like: CNN, Dlib, Transfer learning, One-shot-Learning, SNN, FaceNet, ArcFace, and many more Logo Similarity Identifier | Python, Transfer Learning, Tensorflow, Keras • Logo similarity identifiers have been created using the ML Transfer learning technique. There you can identify how different your company's Logo from others company logos. Company Projects Profile | Python, DS, OCR • Using OCR and Data Science developed BD companies project profiles from Bundles of Brochures. Data Science Projects | Python, Pandas, Seaborn, MatplotLib • In kaggle, mainly i do my most of data science related task in kaggle. I did, data analysis data visualization related task, NLP related task, Create Chatbot, Question Answering system, Recommendation Engine and many more.

Software Developer
May'18- Dec'18

Bangladesh • Developed an API for MyAccount mobile recharge. Which also connected with too many external API. This API was developed with Node js. • Work on GP easy net project, Doing some web and back-end related stuff

Software Developer (Node JS)
Bond Technologies
May'16- Apr'18

Bangladesh • Developed Bittunnel, a VPS Server Hosting Management system, In this project work with Linode API Also. And This project was developed with Node js, React js and Mongodb. • Developed mobile POS with React Native and POS API, Named was Cashier. In this project work with PouchDB and CouchDB

Web Developer
Quantum Foundation
Jan'14- Jan'16

Bangladesh • Developed 14+ website for this company and others, with Angualr js and Bootstrap

BBA In Management
zu 2017
Bachelor's Degree
Kabi Nazrul Govt College (Dhaka University)

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