Mohammed .
egypt Cairo, Egypt ( GMT )
7 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I am Mohammed Farid, I am a Sr. Android Engineer with 6 years of experience. Using Java and Kotiln work with the latest tech MVVM, MVP, Clean Arch With SOLID Princalpe using GIT and SVN, Working with dagger 2 and Hilt and Koin, Latest JetPack Library

I am Mohammed Farid, I am a Sr. Android Engineer with 6 years of experience. Using Java and Kotiln work with the latest tech MVVM, MVP, Clean Arch With SOLID Princalpe using GIT and SVN, Working with dagger 2 and Hilt and Koin, Latest JetPack Library

Senior Android Engineer
Dec'20- present

Architecture, S.O.L.I.D principle. SQL, Sqlite, Realm, Room, MVVM, MVP, Online marketplace opens the door to all types of services related to any event type. Android JetPack, MySQL, Android, Evntoo User Application. Developed Android Application this app for end-users and get Git, SVN, OOP, Firebase, Google all service from this application. Kotlin, MVVM, Lifecycle, Room, Retrofit, S.O.L.I.D Principle, Map APIs, Dagger 2. RxJava, Koin, Encryption RAS, Payment Getway, Google Services(Location, maps, GCM), RxAndroid, Testing. RxKotlin, Koin, Firebase, Material google design, and Android Jetpack. Familiar: Ktor(Web with Kotlin). Julfar Consultancy Services, Cairo -- (Full time) - Senior Android Unity 3D, XHTML, CSS, JS, PHP,

Foxboro PAC Ladder
Feb'19- Dec'20

3DMAX, OOP, Printed Circuit boards Vendor for RAK Government (UAE) to make systems SAP and Mobile. mRak Application. Developed Android Application for RAK Emirates' Government to give ACTIVITIES & COURSES support to government employees and emirates citizens to their life easy and smart. Kotlin, MVVM, Lifecycle, Room, Mobile First Library IBM, Encryption RAS, Zopime Live Chat, Co-Founder scientific community Google Services(Location, maps, GCM), Coroutines Kotlin, Koin, Firebase, Zxing for QR in faculty of engineering, Mansoura reading, Lottie, PSPDFkit, Material google design, and Android Jetpack. University from 2011 - 2014 Fish Market Application (Tazj Integration). Developed Android Application for the fish market to support them to the integration with TAZJ Application to send him an order - EDX Certificate for introduction to and make them sell their products, edit prices, availability, accept and refuse an order by computer science 2014. push notification. Kotlin, MVVM, Lifecycle, Room, Retrofit, Firebase, Material google design - Invensys company summer and Android JetPack, Coroutines Kotlin, Koin. Make Integration with SAP service, Unit training 2012 Testing. -Training in Injaz about soft skills

Android Engineer
Aug'18- Feb'19

The company works for Dubai Government (UAE) as B2B Systems. ICA UAE eChannels. Android Application for UAE Citizens and Resident, for end any paper need. Java MVP, Volley Library. FANR (HR System). Android Application development for FANR UAE to help them to manage the HR system. JAVA, MVP, Retrofit. Tawkeel. Android Application on the concept for (Uber) but to help him finish paper by Agent to save time for client as 2 flavors (client and agent). Kotlin, MVVM, Retrofit, Flavor.

Android Engineer
Jul'17- Aug'18

Software-House works on private ERP Systems to provide other companies with new apps. V-Systems Applications. Three Android Applications as ERP system first (V-Sale) for sales with print a receipt second (V-Eye) for Presale and third (V-Admin) for Admin to track employees us firsts apps. Java, MVP, Sqlite, Zebra Printer to print the receipt, Retrofit, Google Map API V3, Socket IO. HR System (ARKAS Application). HR system as Android Application makes a version for ARKAS Company. Java, MVP, Retrofit, Flavor.

Co Founder Full time
Mar'16- Jul'17

Startup company as software house make a private app for restaurants and coffees Restaurants and Coffees App. Android Template. Java. Culture Wheel. Android Application for Place Culture Wheel. Java, jsoup, Realm. Radio Masr Online. Android Applications have a contact for a company like courses and broadcast online and social contact. Java

Freelancer Cairo Senior Android Engineer
SPL Fantasy
Jul'14- present

Android Application like EPL Fantasy for Saudi Premium League. Kotlin, Retrofit RXJAVA, MVVM, Fingerprint sensor Zkteco. Fingerprint (Attendance System). Android Application for attendance with device connect to mobile direct and take attendance by fingerprint fast. Java, Retrofit, Fingerprint sensor Zkteco. Rofqaa (Orphan system). Android Application to the orphan system makes it easy to manage. Kotlin MVVM, Retrofit. Custom Calendar. Android Library for Calendar. Java

Co Founder Part time
Job Shadowing in PepsiCo 2014
Jan'14- Dec'14

Senior Android Engineer - Starting with Java SE, Java-

Computer and systems Engineer
zu 2014
Bachelor's Degree
Mansoura University/ Faculty of Engineer

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Very good