sumit .
nepal Kathmandu, Nepal ( GMT )
5 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten Within a Week Englisch: Fortgeschritten

➢ Over 4+ years of web development experience which includes 2+ years of Extensive experience as a React JS Developer and 2 years of Experience as a Backend Developer. ➢ Extensive experience in developing web pages using HTML/HTML5, XML, DHTML, CSS/CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, React JS, Redux, jQuery, JSON, Node.js, PHP, Spring framework, Ajax, JQUERY, Bootstrap. ➢ Experienced in MERN stack development Mongo dB, Express, React, and Node. ➢ Working knowledge of Web protocols and standards (HTTP HTML5/XHTML/XHTML-MP, CSS3, Web Forms, XML, XML parsers) ➢ Good experience on customizing CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation using CSS pre-processors LESS or SASS and Compass. ➢ Good Expertise in analyzing the Document Object Model (DOM) Layout, DOM Functions, and Java Script functions, Cascading Styles across cross-browser using Fire Bug, Developer Tool Bar.

➢ Over 4+ years of web development experience which includes 2+ years of Extensive experience as a React JS Developer and 2 years of Experience as a Backend Developer. ➢ Extensive experience in developing web pages using HTML/HTML5, XML, DHTML, CSS/CSS3, SASS, LESS, JavaScript, React JS, Redux, jQuery, JSON, Node.js, PHP, Spring framework, Ajax, JQUERY, Bootstrap. ➢ Experienced in MERN stack development Mongo dB, Express, React, and Node. ➢ Working knowledge of Web protocols and standards (HTTP HTML5/XHTML/XHTML-MP, CSS3, Web Forms, XML, XML parsers) ➢ Good experience on customizing CSS frameworks like Bootstrap and Foundation using CSS pre-processors LESS or SASS and Compass. ➢ Good Expertise in analyzing the Document Object Model (DOM) Layout, DOM Functions, and Java Script functions, Cascading Styles across cross-browser using Fire Bug, Developer Tool Bar.

Upwork and Freelancer
Aug'21- Mar'22

Environment: - JavaScript, TypeScript, React Js, Vue, Angular, Node Js, Express JS, GraphQL, Laravel, AJAX, XML, JSON, PHP, REST web services,  Mocha, Java, Django, Python, Spring boot, Power BI etc.

● Designed and developed multiple websites using React, Vue, Angular in the frontend and Spring boot, Node, and laravel in the backend.
● Created CSS templates for webpages incorporating CSS Background, positioning, text, border, margin, padding, flex, grid, and table.
● Used custom CSS as well as CSS frameworks such as Tailwind, Bootstrap, and Material UI.
● Used styled components in react to incorporate CSS in the javascript components.
● Created packet sniffer (academic purpose) and also developed a blogging website using Django framework.
● Performed testing in both frontend and backend using Jest, Enzyme, and Mocha.
● Used Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services. ● Added Dynamic Functionality by creating and dispatching Action Creators that deployed Actions.
● Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree.
● Created scraping application using python to receive data from other websites.
● Developed a data entry and library management application using Java.
● Developed the frontend of a data hub website using React and has drupal as the content management system.

React Developer
AlphaBeta Tech
Apr'19- Aug'21

Environment: HTML 5, CSS3, SASS, SCSS, LESS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Ajax, React JS, Redux, Axios, MySQL, XML, JSON, Git hub, Restful API, AWS, JIRA, and Jasmine. Responsibilities: 

● Design, develop and test HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery and React.JS that meets accessibility and web browser standards for website. ● Designed CSS templates for use in all pages on the website working with CSS Background, positioning, text, border, margin, padding, and table. ● Developed user interface by using the React JS, Flux for SPA development. ● Applied optimization techniques to reduce page size and load times to enhance user experience using sprites. ● Implemented react JS code to handle cross browser compatibility issues in Mozella, IE 7, 8, 9, Safari and FF. ● Used React-Router to turn application into Single Page Application ● Worked in using React JS components, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept. ● Maintained states in the stores and dispatched the actions using redux. ● Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using React-Draggable ● Used React-Autocomplete for creating google map's location search on the webpage Added Excel-Builder to download the Tabular data in Excel format using react. ● Used Excel Builder 3rd Party open-source library and tweak it to make sure it will work with IE11. ● Component for UX-Library consisted of Button, Checkbox, Input, Icons, Toggle Button, Dropdown, Multi-Level Dropdown and many more. ● In Phase Two, worked closely with the Back-End team to display data using the Custom Components, library Components, and Redux. ● Added Dynamic Functionality by creating and dispatching Action Creators that deployed Actions. ● Used Middleware, Redux-Promise in application to retrieve data from Back-End and to also perform RESTFUL services. ● Created and used Reducers that received said Actions to modify the Store State Tree. ● Optimized animation logic with optimistic functions to increase performance in rendering. ● Worked with backend engineers to optimize existing API calls to create efficiencies by deprecating unneeded API calls. ● Called the Restful web services calls for POST, PUT, DELETE and GET methods. ● Have worked on AWS for fetch the pictures files from AWS to UI. ● Used React flux to polish the data and for single directional flow. ● Used Object Oriented Programming concepts to develop UI components that could be reused across the Web Application. ● Used Web services (SOAP and RESTful) for transmission of large blocks of XML/JSON. ● Extensively used Git for version controlling and regularly pushed the code to GitHub. ● Used JIRA as the bug tracking system to track and maintain the history of bugs/issues on everyday basis. ● Worked with JASMINE unit test framework to write unit tests for JavaScript code. ● Performed the System Testing, Regression Testing for Complete UI after fixing the Issues which are reported by Testing Team.

Node Developer
Web Gate
Feb'17- Mar'19

Environment: - JavaScript, TypeScript, React Js, Node Js, Express JS, GraphQL, AJAX, XML, JSON, PHP, REST web services, Protractor, Mocha, Chai, GIT etc. Responsibilities: ● Worked with MERN stack for developing applications. ● Worked with modules like MongoDB and mongoose for database persistence using Node.js to interact with MongoDB. ● Worked with Express.js for development of RESTful web services and middleware configurations. ● Worked with Passport and JSON web tokens for authentication and authorization security configurations using Node.js. ● Worked with npm commands and using package.json for managing dependencies and dev-dependencies of node js applications. ● Working experience with Typescript new features block scope, type restrictions, decorators, arrow functions, classes, interfaces, modules (import and exports). ● Experienced with ECMA Script 6 features. For build of JSX and ES2015(ES6) used Babel, webpack. ● Implemented REST API using Node.js, Express.js. ● Worked with unit testing of JavaScript applications using Karma, Jasmine, apimocker, Jest, enzyme. ● Setup Jasmine and Karma for UNIT and Functional Testing of JavaScript with mocking frameworks and spys. ● Worked on an Agile (Scrum) Development Team to deliver regular updates to business team and project managers.

Computer Engineering
zu 2016
Bachelor's Degree
Tribhuvan University

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