Rakib .
japan Kanazawa, Japan ( GMT )
9 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I have about 8 years of hands-on experience in developing web-based services and applications using Java, Spring Boot, Webflux, Spring Integration, Redis, Mule, Apache Kafka, Mongo Db, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes in microservice-based projects. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Since then, I have been passionate about solving complex problems and creating real-world applications. I have also obtained certifications in Oracle, Scrum, and Kubernetes, and have won multiple awards for my projects and programming skills. I love to work with new technologies and challenges and collaborate with my team and clients to deliver high-quality products.

I have about 8 years of hands-on experience in developing web-based services and applications using Java, Spring Boot, Webflux, Spring Integration, Redis, Mule, Apache Kafka, Mongo Db, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes in microservice-based projects. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the University of Engineering and Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh. Since then, I have been passionate about solving complex problems and creating real-world applications. I have also obtained certifications in Oracle, Scrum, and Kubernetes, and have won multiple awards for my projects and programming skills. I love to work with new technologies and challenges and collaborate with my team and clients to deliver high-quality products.

Application Engineer
BJIT Group
Feb'19- present

Developing Different types of products using Java (Spring Boot, Webflux, Spring Integration), Redis, Mule, Apache Kafka, Mongo Db, Jenkins, Docker, and Kubernetes in microservice-based projects

Team Lead
Crystal Technology Bangladesh
Apr'16- Jan'19

Lead the Team & manage project
Hospital Automation Software Development using Java(Spring)
Big Data Analysis,
Complex Algorithm Implementation

Software Engineer
aVis Technologies Limited
Feb'15- Mar'16

Software Development, APP Development, IVR Development

B.Sc. Eng. in Computer Science & Engineering
Von 2010 zu 2014
Bachelor's Degree
Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology - Bangladesh

This is the Engineering degree where I completed 160.5 credits & learned Computer fundamentals, Different types of Mathematics, Computer Programming, Computer Architecture, Data Communication, Computer Graphics, Software Engineering, Compiler Design, Object Oriented Programming, Data Structure, Algorithms, and Artificial intelligence.

I also attended many programming contests.
  • National Collegiate Programming Contest 2012,in BUBT
    Champion in the West Bengal Site of Bangladesh in Collegiate Competitive Programming Contest
  • Attended “ACM Asia Programming Contest 2011, 2012” Competitive Programming Contest in Dhaka site 2011 & 2012 Details in Link: http://rakibhasan.crevado.com/certificates
  • Attended “Boot Camp” , Code Warriors’ Challenge 2014 Get a position in the Top Ten of all Universities in CODE WARRIORS'​ CHALLENGE as an Application Developer Details in Link: http://rakibhasan.crevado.com/certificate

CCM Based Email Authorship Identification Model Using Backpropagation (Artificial Intelligence)

❖ Email Authorship Identification

❖ Source Code Authorship Identification

❖ Challenge for reducing Cyber Crime

❖ Define spam email from inbox

❖ Implementation Phase is using Artificial Intelligence (Neural Network)

SAS Based ERP & Mobile APP

Description: A multi-model service-based Platform for any Kind of business where Accounting, Sales, Stock, CRM, HRM, and Tracking Business Zone use a single Mobile.

Used Technologies: Java(Groovy/Grails, Android), MySQL, Semantic UI, Angular.js, Jasper report
DevOps & Cloud Environment: Jenkins, Docker, AWS Services- EC2, S3, RDS, SES, CloudWatch
Responsibilities: Design and coding

Hospital Automation (OpenMRS, OpenEliS, OpenERP, dcm4Chee, Bahmni)

Description: Bahmni is an easy-to-use EMR & hospital system. It combines and enhances existing open-source products into a single solution. In the backend, four separate open-source projects & in the front-end one angular-based application is running for the clinical solution. And also integrates with Shared health records (SHR) with DGHS, Bangladesh Government.

Used Technologies: Java(Spring), PostgreSQL, Jasper report, Angular, Python
DevOps & Cloud Environment: Jenkins, Docker, Own cloud environment
Responsibilities: Customize existing features, develop new feature & Deployment

Amusement Park Management System

Description: Japanese amusement park System. There are many APIs to which I have contributed like MAP API, User management API, Program management API, and Payment API. This system had also one mobile app for the end user.

Used Technologies: Java- Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, PostgreSQL with PostGIS
DevOps & Cloud Environment: Docker, AWS Services-AWS SES, Lambda, EC2, S3, DynamoDb, CloudSearch, RDS, CloudWatch, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeDeploy
Others: Tested the implemented system for one(1) million peak requests using the load testing framework Jmeter.
Responsibilities: Coding, Unit Testing, Peer Programming, Deployment

G-School (Next Generation School Management System)

Description: School Result, Fingerprint Attendance device integration, Library Automation, Student performance, Accounting, Inventory Management, SMS Integration and 20+ features.

Used Technologies :Java(Groovy/Grails), MySql, Bootstrap, JQuery
DevOps & Cloud Environment: Jenkins, Docker, AWS Services- EC2, S3, SES, AWS Pinpoint
Responsibilities: Design and coding

Carite (Second Hand Product Ecommerce)

Description: E-commerce Application for Second-Hand products. There are many APIs like Payment APIs, Sales APIs, Billing APIs, Product APIs, Inventory APIs, User management APIs

Used Technologies: Java-Spring boot, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security), PostgreSQL DevOps & Cloud Environment: Jenkins, Docker, AWS Services- EC2, Lambda, S3, RDS, SES, CloudWatch
Responsibilities: Coding, Unit Testing, Peer Programming, Deployment

Middleware Marchant APIs

Description: Middleware Microservice APIs of E-commerce Application. There are many services named Cabinet APIs (File Management APIs, Review APIs, Order APIs, Product APIs, Shop APIs, Inventory APIs, License Mgt APIs, Main menu APIs, and Authorization APIs)

Used Technologies: Java - Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Webflux(reactive programming), Spring-Cloud-Kafka, Spring-Cloud-Config-server, Spring-Cloud-Eureka-Server, Redis, MongoDB, MySQL
DevOps & Cloud Environment: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes (Rakuten Onecloud) 

Monitoring Tools: Filebeat, Kibana, Prometheus, Grafana
Others: Apache for load balancer, Nginx for front-proxy & back-proxy mapping, Sonarqube for code Coverage Checking, Log back
Responsibilities: Architecture design, Coding, Unit Testing, Performance Test, Code Review, Deployment using CI/CD Pipeline

API Gateway

Description: This is an API gateway project that is part of the microservice architecture that provides Common Authentication, Some request filtering, The request filtering can be configured based on JSON configuration. The JSON Configurations are loaded from the Spring cloud config server & refreshed at runtime if any update on API configurations.
Used Technologies: Java - Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Webflux(reactive programming), Spring-Cloud-Kafka, Spring-Cloud-Config-server, Spring-Cloud-Eureka-Server
DevOps & Cloud Environment: Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes (Rakuten Onecloud) 

Monitoring Tools: Filebeat, Kibana, Prometheus, Grafana
Others: Apache for the load balancer, Nginx for front-proxy & back-proxy mapping, Sonarqube for code Coverage Checking, Log-back
Responsibilities: Coding, Unit Testing, Performance Testing, Code Review, Deployment using CI/CD Pipeline

Talent hat keine Kurse hinzugefügt
Hands on Training on Software Design Pattern
BJIT Academy - Bangladesh
Von 2021 zu 2022

Learning Design patterns & implementing them in projects

Very good