backend: Node.js, php, python

 Database: Mysql, postresql, Mongodb,

 ecommence : shopify, magento, shoping cart

 Api: stripe api, paypal api, Google firebase api, Pagopayment api

 framework: MERN, MEAN, Laravel, Django

 mobile: React Native

I am ready to work with you. you can count on me. I will try my best for your business and will lead to victory.


" data-qmeta="description"> frontend: HTML5, VUE, REACT, ANGULAR.

 backend: Node.js, php, python

 Database: Mysql, postresql, Mongodb,

 ecommence : shopify, magento, shoping cart

 Api: stripe api, paypal api, Google firebase api, Pagopayment api

 framework: MERN, MEAN, Laravel, Django

 mobile: React Native

I am ready to work with you. you can count on me. I will try my best for your business and will lead to victory.


" data-qmeta="ogDescription"> frontend: HTML5, VUE, REACT, ANGULAR.

 backend: Node.js, php, python

 Database: Mysql, postresql, Mongodb,

 ecommence : shopify, magento, shoping cart

 Api: stripe api, paypal api, Google firebase api, Pagopayment api

 framework: MERN, MEAN, Laravel, Django

 mobile: React Native

I am ready to work with you. you can count on me. I will try my best for your business and will lead to victory.


" data-qmeta="twitterDescription">
Marko .
serbia Belgrade, Serbia ( GMT )
11 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

My name is Marko kujacic from serbia. I am living in belgrade.

I am full stack web and blockchain developer who has 11 years experience. My main stack is MERN and MEAN and Laravel, Django frameworks.
As pure language, I know javascript, php, python, rust. 
Here is my skill scopes

 frontend: HTML5, VUE, REACT, ANGULAR.

 backend: Node.js, php, python

 Database: Mysql, postresql, Mongodb,

 ecommence : shopify, magento, shoping cart

 Api: stripe api, paypal api, Google firebase api, Pagopayment api

 framework: MERN, MEAN, Laravel, Django

 mobile: React Native

I am ready to work with you. you can count on me. I will try my best for your business and will lead to victory.


My name is Marko kujacic from serbia. I am living in belgrade.

I am full stack web and blockchain developer who has 11 years experience. My main stack is MERN and MEAN and Laravel, Django frameworks.
As pure language, I know javascript, php, python, rust. 
Here is my skill scopes

 frontend: HTML5, VUE, REACT, ANGULAR.

 backend: Node.js, php, python

 Database: Mysql, postresql, Mongodb,

 ecommence : shopify, magento, shoping cart

 Api: stripe api, paypal api, Google firebase api, Pagopayment api

 framework: MERN, MEAN, Laravel, Django

 mobile: React Native

I am ready to work with you. you can count on me. I will try my best for your business and will lead to victory.


Python Developer
Feb'21- Dec'21

February 2021 -- December 2021 This is IT company named Technologie People Connection. On there I worked as Python and AWS developer. This is one example that project's requirement of them. • Host Quick, Draw! database on Google Cloud Platform • Provide installation manual and use guide for Google Cloud database • Create API for inquiries to the self-hosted database • Implement google Quick Draw pattern on current project. • Restful API receives POST JSON data and returns JSON response • Restful API must point to database hosted on google cloud (quick draw database copy) • It is expected to send 1500 requests per minute and must interact with the database that has an approximate weight of 241.63 GB • API developed in Python / Tensorflow installed on a local server. • The database must be the one offered by the Quick Draw game, it must be installed in your own hosting account in google cloud. • Google cloud base user, installation and configuration manual in Spanish. • Calculate the price per days on GCP server • Implement JSON structure for google and existing project. Stack: Python 3.9, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, tensorflow, CSS Bootstrap, GCP server, GCP dataset, GCP storage, GCP account management, Elastic search, JavaScript, GitHub,

Senior React Native mobile app developer
Conley Carr
Feb'19- Jun'21

ChiPlusGo Merchant is an online platform that is dedicated for local merchants to track ChiPlusGo partner business activities in Chicago land area. Our services include tracing transaction histories, redeeming coupons, and receiving mobile payments, etc. Our services range from generation QR code for efficient payment method, tracing transaction histories in any specific time length, Redeeming coupons codes for customers to generate more sales and building sub accounts for employees to receive tips for their services. - Tech stacks React Native/Redux/Styled components/Firebase Senior python and AWS developer at Kostka Reyes, Tegucigalpa

Senior React frontend developer at Inmetrics
Conley Carr
Feb'19- Jun'20

ChiplusGo admin portal is an online platform that is dedicated for both client and business app logic in application. Our services include tracing transaction histories, account information and different order payments, coupon, deals and chat functions. - Tech stacks React/Redux toolkit/Material UI/Firebase/Tailwind

Computer science
zu 2019
Bachelor's Degree
Belgrade Higher School

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