Mohammed .
egypt Alexandria, Egypt ( GMT )
7 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

looking for new challenges that put my skills to use to help Enterprises and organizations to present their services professionally with best usability practices for their valuable users

looking for new challenges that put my skills to use to help Enterprises and organizations to present their services professionally with best usability practices for their valuable users

Freelance Frontend Developer
Exsys Solutions
Dec'20- present

Responsibilities: o Migrating from oracle desktop application to web app using React.Js and REST APIs (hospital management System, medical insurance system) o Analyze, design, coordinate and supervise the development of software systems to form a basis for the solution of information processing problems. o Analyze system specifications and translate system requirements to task specifications for junior programmers.

Senior solution developer
LINK Development
Aug'19- present

Responsibilities: o Analyze, design, coordinate and supervise the development of software systems to form a basis for the solution of information processing problems. o Analyze system specifications and translate system requirements to task specifications for junior programmers. o Responsible for reading, understanding, and utilizing all part and assembly prints, forms, spreadsheets, bills of material, specification sheets, and technical references. o Responsible for utilizing tools and equipment involved in performance of essential functions of programming including measuring instruments. o Develop E-services projects and portal components. o Responding promptly and professionally to bug reports. o Research and recommend software tools to management. o Provide assistance to testers and support personnel as needed to determine system problems. o Review the analysis from customer, project manager, or professional services department and make appropriate software design before development.

Senior solution developer
FutureTech Kuwait
Jan'19- Jul'19

Responsibilities: o Build Business Process Management Using Ultimus Studio and Ultimus CPS (Composed Process Solutions) o Building CTS (Correspondence Tracking System) Using ASP.NET MVC o Building PDF Viewer & PDF Scanner to editing CTS attachments with generating barcode annotation feature using PDFTron SDK o Document tracking, encrypting, and decrypting o RPA development using UIPATH o Building chatbot helpdesk using google AI (dialog flow and integrate it with .net core 2.2 web API (read data from excel file and send user the answers based on user queries) o Develop and implement Reports services and database queries. o Responding promptly and professionally to bug reports. o Research and recommend software tools to management. o Aid testers and support personnel as needed to determine system problems. o Review the analysis from customer, project manager, or professional services department and make appropriate software design before development

Information Technology Institute
Oct'17- Jul'18

o Trainee at Professional Web Development & BI training program that aims to graduate professional, world class, and well educated software engineering developers who are capable of using different .NET technologies in diverse application domains and will be capable of using different and newest technologies and techniques. Participants will learn the essential concepts of Software Engineering systems development through a practical, hands-on approaches. The program is constructed to design and develop Web Applications, Desktop Applications, Business Intelligent and Big Data solutions and Cloud Applications.

Solution developer
Integrated Solutions for Ports ISFP
Jul'13- Jan'19

Responsibilities o Maintain & Fix Current Application which is built with .NET framework 3.5 (Desktop Application) using Visual Studio 2010 o Creating New Reports based on business needs using Microsoft Report Builder 2008 o Creating New Application Using .NET framework 4.0, ADO.NET and LINQ the application purpose is to Integrate with Port Authorities and store data in Oracle 12C database o Port Automation for Port of Alexandria using Java EE's framework PrimeFaces's (JSF) - product Smart Port Solution 2.0 o Creating Reports Using Jasper Reports bases on business needs creating custom modules based on business needs o Port Automation for Port of Alexandria's Smart Port Solution 2.0 (including Port Simulator 2.0) using Java EE and D3.js

Management Information Systems
zu 2012
Bachelor's Degree
Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

Talent hat keine Projekte hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Kurse hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Schulungen hinzugefügt