Ayoub .
morocco Sale, Morocco ( GMT )
3 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten Within a Week Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I am passionate by programming and problem solving, i have strong background in development and problem solving. My experience in this field touches two main domains, the DevOps and the Web Development. In my DevOps journey, i have gathered many skills that are mandatory fora DevOps engineer such as Cloud architecture (AWS, Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean, Heroku ...), the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (GitLab CI, Jenkins, Github Actions ...), Containerization such as Docker, Kubernetes for orchestration and Terraform for provisioning and many other aspects (Logs management, Networking, Setting up servers/LB ...). In the other hand, i built some strong skills in Web Development such as NodeJS express framework, Laravel, Symfony, Flask, tunneling, for the backend. JS, React, Angular for the frontend, and API tools Databases management such as PostgresSQL, Redis and many other things. And for the problem-solving skills, in my 8 years experience i have built a strong knowledge in Datastructres such Trees(DSU, Segment tree, Treap, Suffix tree), Graphs (Graph traversal, Connected components, bridges, shortest paths, LCA, Spanning tree), Dynamic programming (TSA, knapsack, Divide&Conquer) and other mathematical related skills. I have participated in the ICPC which is one of the best contests in the world where i achieved ACPC16&18 and MCPC16, 18 and 20; All theses skills combined let me produce high-quality codes, with the minimum time and memory complexity.

I am passionate by programming and problem solving, i have strong background in development and problem solving. My experience in this field touches two main domains, the DevOps and the Web Development. In my DevOps journey, i have gathered many skills that are mandatory fora DevOps engineer such as Cloud architecture (AWS, Azure, GCP, DigitalOcean, Heroku ...), the Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (GitLab CI, Jenkins, Github Actions ...), Containerization such as Docker, Kubernetes for orchestration and Terraform for provisioning and many other aspects (Logs management, Networking, Setting up servers/LB ...). In the other hand, i built some strong skills in Web Development such as NodeJS express framework, Laravel, Symfony, Flask, tunneling, for the backend. JS, React, Angular for the frontend, and API tools Databases management such as PostgresSQL, Redis and many other things. And for the problem-solving skills, in my 8 years experience i have built a strong knowledge in Datastructres such Trees(DSU, Segment tree, Treap, Suffix tree), Graphs (Graph traversal, Connected components, bridges, shortest paths, LCA, Spanning tree), Dynamic programming (TSA, knapsack, Divide&Conquer) and other mathematical related skills. I have participated in the ICPC which is one of the best contests in the world where i achieved ACPC16&18 and MCPC16, 18 and 20; All theses skills combined let me produce high-quality codes, with the minimum time and memory complexity.

DevOps/Web Dev Freelance
Sep'20- present

Working on unique and challenging problems in an innovative and dynamic workspace using the last DevOps technologies such as Docker, AWS, Git, Jenkins, Kubernetes ...

Web Development, Freelance
Sep'19- present

Design and creation of a Web App, highly scalable, cloud-hosted, food delivery and pick up, online store app using the latest and greatest tech stacks (React, Angular, NodeJS Xprs, Symfony Heroku ...).

CMMS SaaS Development, Freelance
Jan'19- Aug'19

Design and creation of a Web App, highly scalable, cloud-hosted, food delivery and pick-up, online store app using the latest and greatest tech stacks (React, Angular, Symfony Heroku ...).

zu 2020
Master's Degree

Talent hat keine Projekte hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Kurse hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Schulungen hinzugefügt