Ismail .
united-arab-emirates Dubai, United Arab Emirates ( GMT )
8 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

Over eight (8) years in software engineering and cross-platform development using different technologies across industries such as academics, logistics, fintech, governance and information technology using both closed and open-source technologies. I have worked with widely dispersed teams in terms of location and functional orientation as well as multiple projects concurrently. When required, I have also single-handedly worked on some projects.

Over eight (8) years in software engineering and cross-platform development using different technologies across industries such as academics, logistics, fintech, governance and information technology using both closed and open-source technologies. I have worked with widely dispersed teams in terms of location and functional orientation as well as multiple projects concurrently. When required, I have also single-handedly worked on some projects.

Senior Software/Cloud Engineer
Hahn Softwareentwicklung
Oct'21- present

May 2022 Maxhütte-Haidhof, Bayern, Germany Responsibilities: • Developed and maintained different Core Platform RESTFUL Microservices API and applications for clients. • Developed reactive and reliable APIs by adopting industry standard patterns and strategies. • Wrote clean code by adopting the Clean Architecture and domain driven design when writing code. • Developed client-side applications using Aurelia and Typescript. • Developed cloud-native system using Azure-Cloud development methodologies, tools and technologies from Azure ServiceBus, Functions, Queues, Logic Apps to Azure Storage Apps (CosmosDb, Blobs, Tables, Queues, Containers). • Configured and deployed Azure App Services, Virtual Machines & Networks, Docker & Kubernetes deployment and management using ARM templates, CLI and other methods. • Actively participated with the team to evaluate, test, and revamp their architecture and applications. • Performed multiple continuous integration & deployment (CI/CD) using Azure DevOps Pipelines. • Performed TDD (Test driven development) by adopting unit and integration tests. • Participated actively in scrum sessions, retrospective meetings & sprint planning with the product owner. • Actively participated in event-storming sessions with domain experts and product owner.

Senior Software/Cloud Engineer
Feb'21- Aug'21

Netherlands Responsibilities: • Developed and maintained different Core Platform RESTFUL Microservices API and applications for clients. • Developed reactive and reliable APIs by adopting industry standard patterns and strategies. • Wrote clean code by adopting the Clean Architecture and domain driven design when writing code. • Developed cloud-native system using Azure-Cloud development methodologies, tools and technologies from Azure ServiceBus, Functions, Queues, Logic Ap ps to Azure Storage Apps (CosmosDb, Blobs, Tables, Queues, Containers). • Configured and deployed Azure App Services, Virtual Machines & Networks, Docker & Kubernetes deployment and management using ARM templates and other methods. 1 • Performed Integration of third party (payments, identification, verification) Systems and API. • Actively participated with the team to evaluate, test, and revamp their architecture and applications. • Performed continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps and GitHub • Performed CDC (Consumer Driven Contract) test and TDD (Test driven development) by adopting unit and integration tests. • Participated actively in scrum sessions, retrospective meetings & sprint planning with the product owner. • Actively participated in event-storming sessions with domain experts and product owner.

Senior Software/Cloud Engineer
Nov'20- Feb'21

United Kingdom Responsibilities: • Developed and maintained the Core Platform RESTFUL Microservices API and applications. • Developed reactive and reliable APIs by adopting industry standard patterns and strategies. • Wrote clean code by adopting the Clean Architecture and domain driven design when writing cod e. • Developed cloud-native system using Azure-Cloud development methodologies, tools and technologies from Azure ServiceBus, Functions, Queues, Logic Apps to Azure Storage Apps (CosmosDb, Blobs, Tables, Queues, Containers). • Configured Azure App Services, Virtual Machines & Networks, Docker & Kubernetes deployment and management. • Performed Integration of Payments and Identification Systems. • Actively participated with the team to evaluate, test, and revamp their architecture and applications. • Performed continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps and GitHub • Performed TDD (Test driven development) by adopting unit and integration tests. • Participated actively in scrum sessions and sprint planning with the product owner. • Doubled as Scrum Master and Scrum team member when there is need to. • Actively participated in event-storming sessions with domain experts and product owner.

Senior Cloud Engineer Remote Contract
Bomzak Nig
Nov'19- Jun'20

Nigeria Responsibilities: 2 • Designed and developed their Revenue Collections Core Platform API and web application. • Performed Integration of Payment Systems like PayStack, Etranzact and Interswitch • Actively participated with the team to evaluate, test, and revamp their web API and application. • Setup builds and releases pipelines with Azure DevOps and Azure for their various state agencies. • Performed continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps and GitHub • Introduced and enforced TDD (Test driven development) by adopting unit and integration te sts. • Participated actively in scrum sessions and sprint planning with the product owner. • Doubled as Scrum Master and Scrum team member when there is need to.

Senior Cloud Engineer Remote Contract
MyKab Technologies
May'19- Nov'19

Nigeria Responsibilities: • Designed and developed their Ride-Hailing Platform API and web application for onboarding. • Performed Integration of Payment Systems like PayStack • Actively participated with the team to evaluate, test, and revamp their web API and application. • Integrated Google Maps API with Real-Time Communication using ASP.NET SignalR and RedisCache • Setup builds and releases pipelines with Azure DevOps and Azure and GCP for their various apps. • Performed continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps and GitHub • Introduced and enforced TDD (Test driven development) by adopting unit and integration tests. • Participated actively in scrum sessions and sprint pla nning with the product owner. • Doubled as Scrum Master and Scrum team member when there is need to.

Software Engineer Remote Contract
Feb'19- May'19

United States. Responsibilities: • Primary responsibilities include designing and developing e -Learning API and web application. • Evaluate, develop, test and deploy web application s. • Setup builds and releases pipelines with Azure DevOps and Azure. • Performed continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps and GitHub • Deliver software solutions with good user experience. • Introduced and enforced TDD (Test driven development) by adopting unit and integration tests. • Participated actively in scrum sessions and sprint planning with the product owner. • Doubled as Scrum Master and Scrum team member when there is need to.

Senior Software/Cloud Engineer
Dinero FinTech
Jan'19- Sep'20

Nigeria Responsibilities: • Designed, developed and maintained the Savings and Core Platform RESTFUL API and applications. • Developed reactive and reliable APIs by adopting industry standard patterns and strategies. • Wrote clean code by adopting the Clean Architecture and domain driven design when writing code. • Performed Integration of Payment Systems. • Actively participated with the team to evaluate, test, and revamp their web API and applications. • Setup builds and releases pipelines with Azure DevOps and Azure. • Performed continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps and GitHub • Delivered software solutions with good user experience. • Introduced and enforced TDD (Test driven development) by adopting unit and integration tests. • Participated actively in scrum sessions and sprint planning with the product owner. • Doubled as Scrum Master and Scrum team member when there is need to. • Actively participated in event-storming sessions with domain experts and product owner.

NET Developer Remote Contract
Dec'18- Feb'19

Netherlands. Responsibilities: • Primary responsibilities include updating the UI code for their report engine. • Worked on ASP.NET Caching System and Cache-Bursting INSTITUTIONS ATTENDED WITH DATES

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist NET Data Access
Interaction Design
Aug'16- Aug'16

(Sep. 2013) Microsoft Certified Professional (Jul. 2013)

Software Engineer
Creative Innovations for New Solutions
Aug'15- Dec'18

Nigeria Responsibilities: • Primary responsibilities include designing and crafting different types of web, mobile and desktop application solutions for various clients. • Create Reliable Service-Oriented Solutions for different clients across various industries and domain. • Develop, test and deploy web, mobile and desktop application. • Perform continuous integration and deployment using Azure DevOps and GitHub • Delivered software solutions with good user expe rience. REMOTE/CONTRACT EXPERIENCE

BSc. Information and Communications Science
zu 2017
Bachelor's Degree
University of Ilorin

Talent hat keine Projekte hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Kurse hinzugefügt
Talent hat keine Schulungen hinzugefügt