I am mohamed abobakr, i am a software engineer.
I have some experience in software engineering, i had an internship at Microsoft last summer, worked as a freelancer and currently i work at Webalo.
I know about c, c++, java, python, web development (html, css, react, node), APIs and Databases.
Computer Engineering
Alexandria University, Bachelor's Degree
Arbeit & Erfahrung
Software Engineer
Aug'2020 - May'2021
at Webalo
am a member
Jul'2019 - Sep'2019
Research Intern at Speech Recognition and Machine Translation Team
I was responsible for Arabic Dialect Identification and Scaling the model with Eather Module.
Node.Js and Python
Jun'2017 - Jul'2020
Built many full stack applications: E-commerce Platform, E-learning System, Bookstore, Admin dashboard and Digital orders.
• Garbage Management System (Node.Js and Python):
◦ This is done by a network of smart bins which integrates techniques to monitor and analyze data collected to provide predictive routes generated through algorithms for garbage trucks and recommend products for users.
• E-commerce Platform (React.Js and Node.Js):
◦ Using Navigation and Routing to select different product categories and add them to Cart.
◦ Increase or decrease items and show the changes dynamically in Total price and Contents.
◦ Integrate with a stripe API to handle payments
• Image Caption Generator(Python and Keras):
A neural network to generate captions for an image using CNN and RNN with BEAM Search.
• Multi-user Chat Application (Java): A chat application which allows more than one client to connect with each
other. Dealing with Client side and Server side with Java socket programming and Multithreading.
• PINTOS (PHASES I AND II) (C): Pintos is a simple operating system framework for the 80x86 architecture. It
supports kernel threads, loading and running user programs, and a file system.
• Emojify (Keras): A Keras model which inputs a sentence and finds the most appropriate emoji to be used with this
sentence using Word Embeddings and LSTM.
• Neural Style Transfer (Tensorflow): A Tensorflow model which implements the neural style transfer algorithm
and generates novel artistic images.
• Happy House (Keras): A Face Recognition model using Keras which determines whether the face is smiling or
not. And if it's smiling, let the person enter the house.
• BBC news analyzer (Python): An analyzer for bbc-arabic youtube channel using python and Youtube API.
• SIC/XE Assembler (Java): A software that assembles SIC/XE programs and creates object code.
• DBMS (Java): Xml and Json based DBMS integrated with JDBC API & a finite state machine based SQL processor.