I am a cloud DevOps engineer, with previous experience in firmware building.
I believe that knowledge diversity and curiosity can lead to better understanding and solid ground knowledge.
I have adequate programming and problem-solving skills. I believe that I am a fast learner and flexible person.
Electronics and Communications
Alexandria University, Bachelor's Degree
Arbeit & Erfahrung
Embedded Software Engineer
MIT Technologies
Jan'2018 - Dec'2019
The user will only need a smartphone and an online account to be immediately able to un-
Responsibilities: lock a nearby car and start his journey. Addi-
• Set software design and coding conventions tionally, the user experience will be boosted
• Extract the project's user requirements by some features inside the car, that can be
• Design the software's layered architecture configured and kept so that the user will feel
• Software implementation like they own the car they ride, providing
• Hardware review
more luxury and comfort.
• ARM Cortex-M4 device drivers and application
Telecom Egypt • CAN protocol: driver + real-time manager
DC motors managers
Jan'2017 - Dec'2017
Egypt • Button manager (debouncing, short cir- cuit/stuck detection)
• Temperature Sensor Manager