Mobile Applications Developer with 1 year of experience developing Android applications looking forward to expanding
my Mobile Development skills and gaining more knowledge to enrich my Software Career
NewsApp is an application that displays Breaking News and allows users to [search for any article- Learn about Article details.Tools&Technologies : Java-Rxjava-Retrofit-ViewModel- repository-RoomDatabase PatternGlide-DependencyInjection(Hilt)
NewsApp is an application that displays Breaking News and allows users to [search for any article- Learn about Article details.Tools&Technologies : Kotlin-Coroutines-Retrofit-ViewModel- repository Pattern-DataBinding-navigation-Glide-DependencyInjection(Hilt)-paging3-RoomDatabase
Movie App is an application that displays recent Movies and allows users to [search for any title- Learn about movie details(name, rating, release date, and overview)]Tools&Technologies : Kotlin-Coroutines-Retrofit-ViewModel- repository Pattern-DependencyInjection(Hilt)-paging3-DataBinding-navigation-Glide
Food Delivery is an app that helps people to order Junk food from a variety of restaurantsTools & Technologies:
Firebase (Authentication, SMS verification, Notification, Cloud Firestore, RealtimeDatabase),Room- DataBinding-GoogleMap, Design Patterns(MVVM) - Hilt-Retrofit-RepositoryPattern-RxJava-Glide - Navigation Components, REST APIs, Android Studio