Lukwata .

Lukwata .

  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • **** **** ****
  • 5 Jahre Erfahrung
  • ASAP
  • Senior

Hello, I am Lukwata John Rogers, a software developer with over 5years of programming in web development. I am a full-stack developer (frontend and backend web development). I believe am suitable for remote work because of my will to accomplish tasks, communication, and will to learn.



Computer Science

Makerere University, Bachelor's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung



Aug'2018 - May'2021
SoLware Developer (Developing and Maintaining company Web applica.ons). Technologies: Laravel, Golang, Mysql, Postgres, Vuejs, Html, Css, Jquery, Bootstrap, Github, Gitlab, Docker, CI/CD, Cpanel, AWS, Trello, Slack


Aug'2018 - Nov'2018
Developing and maintaining web applica.on systems Technologies: Yii framework, Mysql, Html, Css, Bootstrap, Github

Limited Co Founder

Nov'2017 - May'2021
Chief Technology Office (CTO). Technologies: Laravel, Golang, Mysql, Postgres, Vuejs, Html, Css, Jquery, Bootstrap, Github, Gitlab, Docker, CI/CD,, Android, Cpanel, Ajax, Heroku, Python, Django, Node, Wordpress


Murefa Technologies Web
Nov'2017 - Dec'2018
cipated in the Hack4Refugees innova.on challenge and with my team, we managed to make it throught the 3day challenge, the pilot, mentoring and to the final pitch day.


Jun'2017 - Jan'2018
Worked on Mul.ple client projects as a Web Developer and most concentrated on WordPress Content Management System. Technologies: Html, Css, Bootstrap, Wordpress


Murefa Technologies Web
Jun'2016 - Dec'2019
Worked with Murefa Team with my major roles of API development and Web applica.on development. Technologies: Laravel, Mysql, Vuejs, Html, Css, Bootstrap, Github SOME OF THE PROJECTS CROSS BORDER SERVICE - Canada Web applica.on system to manage shipping orders, shipments, labels, payments and U.S. address assignment. UBL SACCO - Uganda Breweries Limited UBL Sacco Web system is used to manage the within the Sacco like, Loan applica.ons, loan approval, forwarding and rejec.on. Besides the loan applica.on, the web applica.on also managed the Cash Advances, Guarantors and others respec.vely. CONKEV AND CONKEVLISTS - Ennovate SoL uganda At Ennovate SoL Uganda, I was granted a chance to be part of the team that is building an An.-Money Laundering System In Uganda (Conkev AML) and a Risk Intelligence System (Conkev Lists). SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - British School Kampala I have had a chance of working on mul.ple clients projects and this includes the school management system of School Kampala. The system was managing the student records such aYendance, student marks, student records, promo.on, discipline, comments and reports among others. SCHOOL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM - Bright Secondary School School Management Informa.on system for Bright Secondary School Kampala following the Uganda Examina.ons Board standards. YAMMZIT WORKSPACES - YamziT Uganda We are currently working on a Loyalty Reward SoLware program that will help companies to best reward (give back) to its customers as a token of thanks of choosing their business. It also helps Business owners to know best its customers. Among other products I have worked on are POS systems, Appointment scheduling systems, Customer Loyalty Reward programs, Inventory management among others AGRICART - - CoreDevs Limited Agricart, a product of CoreDevs Limited is an android mobile and web applica.on. An applica.on that will help farmers get to know the current market prices, keep records through the ledger func.onality, current news feeds and outbreaks, a pla[orm to sell and buy agricultural produce. We are currently working on the second version. We also happened to take part in the Hack4Refugees Innova.on Challenge in 2017 that took place at the Innova.on Village, N.nda Complex Kampala - Uganda with this applica.on. AGRIANIMAL - CoreDevs Limited AgriAnimal, also a product of CoreDevs Limited is a web based applica.on that will help a farmer best manage his / her farm record i.e records, Milking Records, Calving Records among others. FARMERS HUB - Mukwa Frame Uganda Farmers hub, a web based applica.on that provides news feed to farmers, teaching farmers proper ways of farming i.e both crops and animals In September 2017, I managed to take part in the Mtn Innova.on Challenge Awards (Uganda) pushing out our idea.

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Django 2 Jahr(s)
  • Bootstrap 5 Jahr(s)
  • Docker 2 Jahr(s)
  • Vue js 3 Jahr(s)
  • Laravel 4 Jahr(s)
  • Android 1 Jahr(s)
  • jQuery 1 Jahr(s)
  • MySQL 4 Jahr(s)
  • CSS 5 Jahr(s)
  • HTML 5 Jahr(s)
  • PHP 1 Jahr(s)
  • Python 1 Jahr(s)
  • Golang 1 Jahr(s)


  • English very good
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