Senior Software Engineer Team Lead
Impel IT Solutions www.impelitsolutions.com
Aug'2017 - May'2021
- Leading a team of 4 developers including junior and senior members, also mentoring junior developers.
- Communicating with product owner for feature requirements.
- Allocating task, breaking down complexities and monitoring work progress of members.
- Providing technical guidance, reviewing code and ensuring standard coding practices.
- Deploying, monitoring and fixing any critical scenarios in server.
Key Achievements
- Implemented video and voice call using Vonage API service with Spring Websocket, Stomp and SockJS.
- Database multi-tenancy using Hibernate.
- Migration from EclipseLink to Hibernate.
- 2FA implementation with options - email and SMS (MessgeBird)
- Integrated Ehcache for entity caching with Hibernate and also for application's data caching.
- Integrated FlywayDB for database migration.
- Integrated New Relic to monitor server online.
- Automatic planner which consumes Google's Distance matrix API in backend and Map service in frontend.
- PDF reports generation using Jasper report, also read write Barcode of PDF.
- Fixing memory leak problem using Eclipse MAT by analyzing heap dump.
- Financial module for declaring invoice which includes XML parsing, generating using JAXB.
ZorgFlex - Automation of Home care system, a MVC project. Development includes tools & technologies - BE
(Java 8, Spring framework - Spring MVC, Spring security, Spring Data JPA, Spring Websocket etc, Hibernate, Ehcache, HikariCP, FlywayDB, Jasper Report, Thymeleaf), DB - MySQL, FE (Html, CSS, jQuery, Stomp + SockJS etc), IDE - IntelliJ IDEA, GitHub, Tomcat 7, Nginx etc.