Ahmed .

Ahmed .

  • Senior Software Engineer
  • Cairo, Egypt
  • **** **** ****
  • 6 Jahre Erfahrung
  • Within 2 Months
  • Senior

Experienced Back End Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Strong engineering professional skilled in Docker, Ruby on Rails and ReactJS.



Computer Engineering

German University of Cairo, Bachelor's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung


Senior Backend Software Engineer

Jul'2021 - Gegenwart
An online platform provides over 21000 videos, courses, and live events through Yoga.Leading in the technical decisions and architectures to provide high standards and code quality.Provisioning/maintaining infrastructure through AWS services such as EKS, ECR, RDS, IAM, ElasticSearch, SecretsManager, and S3, including Terraform automation.Lead infrastructure changes to move from EC2 to ECS which took us to 99.99% availability and increased our development/deployment process by 50 %.Provisioned new services for logging, monitoring, and metrics collection using ELK stack.Continuous development and delivery of new features using Ruby on Rails.Writing our own gems such as Graphql Hybrid Authenticator called (Graphise).

Backend Software Engineer

Oct'2017 - Jul'2021
Admin Panel (Internal Tool) Planning and designing ReactJS project that provides an admin panel frontend for a certain API by just configuring JSON files.Developing middleware and components to be generic and can be configurable to support all kinds of configurations. GenOps (Internal Tool) Planning and designing a tool that works as a code generator based on configuration files for the backend using pure Ruby.Applying to Reconcile design pattern in order to make our tool stateful so the tool itself can do more than just generate initial code.Developing/Integrating engines that help our tools such as Payments Engine and Authentication Engine. GS1-Egypt -- gs1eg.org Upgrading to the latest versions of Rails and Refactoring the legacy code to the highest standard and convention.Developing new features/services.Maintaining and migrating fully to Azure Cloud.Decoupling large monolithic apps into small domains/services. Transporter -- transporter-group.com Analyzing business needs to transform it into technical solutions.Developing a high-end tailored geolocation service written from scratch to meet the business needs.Provisioning and maintaining a Kube cluster for staging/production to meet high availability.Reviewing architecture and code to meet standards.

Junior Full Stack Engineer

Oct'2017 - Jan'2018
Created new multiple services for sales, human resources, and residence, Managing 200+ member and 1000+ student that interact with

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Ruby on Rails 4 Jahr(s)
  • React js 3 Jahr(s)
  • Docker 3 Jahr(s)
  • React js 3 Jahr(s)
  • Docker 5 Jahr(s)
  • Ruby on Rails 4 Jahr(s)
  • Docker 3 Jahr(s)
  • React js 3 Jahr(s)
  • MATLAB 3 Jahr(s)
  • Ruby on Rails 7 Jahr(s)
  • microservices 3 Jahr(s)
  • Google Maps API 3 Jahr(s)
  • Google Maps API 3 Jahr(s)
  • Google Maps API 3 Jahr(s)
  • Ruby 7 Jahr(s)
  • Ruby 4 Jahr(s)
  • Ruby 4 Jahr(s)
  • Java 1 Jahr(s)
  • Python 2 Jahr(s)
  • MySQL 3 Jahr(s)
  • MongoDB 3 Jahr(s)
  • PostgreSQL 5 Jahr(s)
  • SQL 6 Jahr(s)
  • Sidekiq 5 Jahr(s)
  • Git 7 Jahr(s)
  • AWS 4 Jahr(s)
  • Google Cloud 1 Jahr(s)
  • Kubernetes 3 Jahr(s)


  • English native
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