Abramo .

Abramo .

  • Software Developer.
  • Pisa, Italy
  • **** **** ****
  • 16 Jahre Erfahrung
  • Within 2 Months
  • Senior

I am currently working as FrontEnd Developer at Archimede Informatica and have over 20 years’ professional experience in this field. I have a High School Diploma in computer science and a Master Degree in Philosophy at the University of Pisa, thanks to this I am very versatile and have excellent problem solving skills. I have a good knowledge of English which I use daily to search for documentation or IT resources online. I have had various experiences abroad including working sessions and I have never had problems communicating. For over 20 years I have developed websites with various CMS: TYPO3, Wordpress, OJS... The TYPO3 solutions I deliver are end-to-end: according to the customer requirements, I set up and orchestrate the website template, the backend modules, and the third-party extensions. I can also create custom CTypes and custom records and plugins to set up the backend according to the customer's needs. I can take care of every aspect: typoscript, Fluid, TCA, viehelper, configure backend users etc. I also have a good knowledge of WCAG and accessibility issues, in this area, I have also developed specific site packages both TYPO3 and OJS for municipalities and scientific journals.



Literature and Philosophy

Pisa, Master's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung


Board Member/ Software Architect/ Software Developer/ Web Designer

Archimede Informatica Cooperative Society
Jan'2005 - May'2021
Since 2005 I have started to build portals with TYPO3 CMS, more precisely I deal with developing themes to implement back-end and front-end functionalities and designing web graphics within TYPO3, configuring TypoScript, developing customized contents for specific uses and integrate the various extensions into the website. Finally, I take care of user training and customer service. Since 2013 I have been developing managing websites with Wordpress. Since 2015 I have been building online magazines with OJS, more specifically theme development to design the online magazine and model the back-end functionality .

Web Developer Web Designer

Archimede Informatica Società Cooperativa
Jul'2004 - Jan'2005
Consultant (Co.Co.Co.contract) as a Microsoft ASP and Java software developer and web site content designing and editing


Site Package that implements in TYPO3 the Bootstrap Italia theme released by AGID (AGency for Italian Digitization). Bootstrap Italia is a theme based on Bootstrap 5.2.3 for building accessible, WCAG-compliant websites for Italian public administrations.The site package BIT3 implements the main features of Bootstrap Italia: it builds page template, it overrides the Fluids of the standard cTypes and those of the basic extensions used; it also adds custom Ctypes and a module that allows an editor to configure the site without having access rights to the typoscript.
Site Package for Trame Indipendenti Short Film Festival

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Subversion 16 Jahr(s)
  • Informatica 16 Jahr(s)
  • JIRA 16 Jahr(s)
  • CSS 16 Jahr(s)
  • HTML 16 Jahr(s)
  • Javascript 16 Jahr(s)
  • Java 4 Jahr(s)
  • jQuery 16 Jahr(s)
  • Bootstrap 16 Jahr(s)
  • Eclipse 16 Jahr(s)
  • odoo 2 Jahr(s)
  • PhpStorm 8 Jahr(s)
  • SQL 16 Jahr(s)
  • MySQL 16 Jahr(s)
  • Trello 10 Jahr(s)
  • Adobe Illustrator 12 Jahr(s)
  • Adobe Photoshop 12 Jahr(s)
  • TYPO3 12 Jahr(s)


  • English good
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