Senior Android Engineer
Dec'2020 - May'2021
Architecture, S.O.L.I.D principle. SQL,
Sqlite, Realm, Room, MVVM, MVP,
Online marketplace opens the door to all types of services related to any event type.
Android JetPack, MySQL, Android,
Evntoo User Application. Developed Android Application this app for end-users and get Git, SVN, OOP, Firebase, Google
all service from this application. Kotlin, MVVM, Lifecycle, Room, Retrofit, S.O.L.I.D Principle, Map APIs, Dagger 2. RxJava, Koin,
Encryption RAS, Payment Getway, Google Services(Location, maps, GCM), RxAndroid, Testing.
RxKotlin, Koin, Firebase, Material google design, and Android Jetpack.
Familiar: Ktor(Web with Kotlin).
Julfar Consultancy Services, Cairo -- (Full time) - Senior Android
Unity 3D, XHTML, CSS, JS, PHP,