Software engineer
Smartflow technologies NG
May'2021 - May'2021
Javascript and Python.
Maintained and optimized SmarEye application, an enterprise B2B Web Technologies
solution that provides remote monitoring (for Tanks, Automated Pumps and Equipments) and data insight using IoT devices at retail Oil and Gas TypeScript, React (with stations.
Hooks), Redux, Html5, Css3,
Sass, Bootstrap, Tailwind Css,
Qualibyte integrated Solution, NG -- Frontend developer Material UI, Nodejs,
Jan 2021 - PRESENT
expressjs, Django, Wagtail
Created a loan management application, participating in the whole CMS, MongoDB, JSON, Sql,
process of their development, code design and development, DevOps, MySql.
product launch and maintenance.
Quicktel Solutions, NG -- Frontend developer Git, Docker, AWS