I'm a qualified flutter developer with
over two years of experience in this
I’m seeking a career to develop my
experiences as a developer and
contribute to the growth of company I
work with and attach value to myself
Mechanical engineering
Tanta University, Bachelor's Degree
Arbeit & Erfahrung
Admin User
La Perle Store
(Admin - User)
I'm seeking a career to develop my ❖ Used: Flutter 2.8.1 - Firestore - Getx - Animations - mvvm
experiences as a developer and contribute to the growth of company I - This app shows fashion products.
work with and attach value to myself
professionally. - The app stores data of products & images externally at Firebase fire store & Firebase Storage.
Flutter developer
Jul'2021 - May'2022
I have worked with many applications, mostly e-commerce applications like desert app - restaurant app - fashion app
and of cource they have the full cycle from ordering products, sending them to admin panel then to the drivers till they reach the customers.I've used state managements like providers, riverpod, getx, bloc
I've worked with google maps, apis & jsons, push notifications, printing, backends like firebase & firestore, php
Flutter developer
Oct'2020 - May'2022
I'm a qulified flutter developer with over than 2 years of experience in this field,I’m seeking a career to develop my experiences as a developer and contribute to the growth of company I work with and attach value to myself professionally.