Senior Software Engineer Full time
Nov'2012 - Jul'2015
Address: Level 3 - 8, 111, Bir Uttam C.R.
Dutta Road (Sonargaon Road), Dhaka-1205,
Dhaka, Bangladesh.
url: https://research.samsung.com/srbd
Position: Senior Software Engineer (Full-time)
Project name: Samsung global apps challenge.
Project Description: This is my current project, in this project I have to develop some apps or tools for Samsung mobile, gear or smart TV and submit those apps on contest.
• Develop Samsung device specific apps.
• Platform: Android.
• Used Programming language: Android Native Java.
• Used Tools: Android SDK, Android Studio.
Project name: Test case automation.
Project Description: In this project I have developed an automation tool that automate the manual UI
testing of various Tizen apps as well as various Tizen SDK tools test, to reduce manual testing time.
• Automate manual UI testing using python, Bash Script, LDTP, Xdotool and grabc.
• Platform: Ubuntu.
• Used Programming language: Python, Bash Script.
• Used Tools: LDTP, Xdotool and grabc.
Project name: Test case development and code coverage analysis.
Project Description: In this project I was involved in Integration Test case (ITC) development for check the functionalities of various API of Tizen SDK and also, I had to test the code coverage of various test suite.
• Develop ITC for Tizen API using C++.
• Finding code coverage of ITC using gcov.
• Used Tools: Samsung's FtApp, GCOV.
• Used Programming language: C and C++.
• Platform: Samsung's Tizen OS.
Project name: Tizen Web Apps Development.
Project Description: In this project, I was involved in development and testing of some Tizen web base mobile
apps. To support development of Samsung's apps store.
• Design UI using HTML5, CSS.
• Background coding using JavaScript.
• Used Tools: Tizen SDK, SQLite.
• Used Programming language: JavaScript, SQL.
• Platform: Samsung's Tizen OS.
Project name: Tizen native apps Development.
Project Description: In this project, I was involved in development, bug solving of existing apps and testing of some Tizen C++'s native base mobile apps. To support development of Samsung's apps store.
• Design UI using Tizen UI Builder.
• Background coding using Tizen native C++.
• Tracking JIRA defects.
• Bug solving of existing apps.
• Use bada migration tools for converting bada apps to Tizen apps.
• Used Tools: Tizen SDK, SQLite.
• Used Programming Language: Tizen native C++, SQL.
• Platform: Samsung's Tizen OS.