Software Developer
Jun'2015 - May'2016
A simple web application for learning felicitating environment where students and teachers register and go through the list of courses and give assessment for the course to get a certificate from USAFootball and it’s a powerful templating engine
Built using Rails, Postgresql, jQuery, and other technologies
Responsible for building a major part of prototype where the admin can create courses having modules like Video, Pdf, Document, Presentations, Interactive slides, certificates, assessments, questions, answers worked and resolved all the issues and bugs of the project reported.
Notable Rubygems: Bootstrap-sass for Twitter bootstrap integration, Devise for authentication rmagick for image manipulation, carrier wave for file upload , rubyzip for unzipping a zipped file, active model serializers for json serialization and data sharing for frontend through js, haml for shorthand in HTML, tinymce-rails for having a text editor, kaminari for pagination and model level search,rspec and capybara for unit testing and integration testing, factory-girls-rails for creating factories in the testing environments, faker for creating Duffy names and syntax, bullet for resolving and optimizing N+1 queries, underscore-rails a js templating integration for js, jwplayer-rails for integrating and streaming videos, pry for debugging, brakeman to test code
coverage and loose bound warnings in the code,Rubocop for conventions and standards