Currently a student and mentor at Microverse, with a pragmatic approach to concepts.2+ years experience as a software developer working with javascript and a few months working with ruby.Good at UI/UX design with proper approach to user stories
Computer Science
Chuka University, Bachelor's Degree
Arbeit & Erfahrung
Frontend Software Developer
Savannah Informatics
Jan'2021 - May'2021
→ Legacy code maintenance ERP system (angular 1.5)
→ Component Design and Testing for Business Tools Team, Slate 360 EDI (angular 1.5)
→ API Documenatation
→ Lots of learning (Pragmatic approach)
Web Developer Freelance
Jan'2020 - Jan'2021
→ Adapted websites to match changing user preferences and client demands with regular updates.
→ Worked with different clients across the globe to design and develop both mobile and web applications
→ Converted Designs to Web apps and Mobile apps (HTML, CSS, JS, React)
Softare Developer
May'2018 - Sep'2019
Assisted internal teams in documenting and testing new applications.
→ Also researched competitor offerings for different projects
→ Took the Andela Bootcamp (Cohort 29) to learn python(flask) and Rest API
→ Lots of learning -- serious learning