Full Stack Developer
Empire Holding
Jan'2017 - Dec'2020
I was a full stack developer at a Netherlands based digital service provider
company called Empire Holding B.V.
During my tenure, I have served many of their clients with successful
project delivery across the board.
In the section below, I will provide an overview of the apps and projects
that I've built during my tenure at Empire Holding B.V.
1) Zoofy
Website: https://zoofy.nl/team/
Zoofy is an on-demand marketplace for professionals, where you can
discover and book a professional, all within a single mobile app.
There are around 6,000 electricians, plumbers, handymen and other
professionals available to work on Zoofy.
My responsibility in Zoofy was to develop, handle and manage the suite of
Zoofy apps using Swift 5.0. There were two mobile apps, one was the
professionals app which was used by professionals to accept and complete different jobs, and another one was the consumers app from which customers/clients posted different jobs.
Zoofy app recently achieved a milestone of 200,000 Jobs on the platform since its
2) Reasy
Reasy solved the problem of lack of inventory space by providing on-
demand warehouse space for the customers, and for managing items, a
web application was used to track them.
My responsibility in Reasy was to build the frontend UI in ReactJS,
Bootstrap, CSS | SCSS, Redux and other third party libraries, and to connect the UI to the API along with maintaining the code quality.
Reasy app was a successful product in the Netherlands which was later acquired
for 1 million EUR.
3) Reasy AMS (Asset Management System)
Reasy AMS solved the problem for Reasy customers and provided a facility for customers to see where the item is stored in the building and the floor,
and if they want to transfer their assets they can do this through AMS
This web application was used to keep track of the items. It also allowed
customers to manage their inventory in their own way so when moving
things around they don't lose track.
My role in Reasy AMS was to work on the UI in React, redux and other
third party libraries. This project also involved database design and management, so I worked on that as well.
4) Reasy Pickup App
Reasy pickup app solved the problem of creating an order through app.
The Customers created orders to be picked up, also customers can
capture pictures or scan through QR code of the items/assets. Also, the customers can select categories or subcategories like furniture/chair.
customers will see the queued orders on the main screen.
My role was to build the app in React Native, Redux and other third party
libraries also connected the app to the backend and integrate APIs
maintaining the code quality as well.
5) Reasy Drivers App
Reasy drivers app solved the problem of accepting/pickup an order through app. The drivers picked up orders, also drivers can capture
pictures or scan through QR code of the items/assets to add more items to that order. Drivers will see the orders to be picked up on the main
My role was to build the app in React Native, Redux and other third party
libraries also connected the app to the backend and integrate api's
maintaining the code quality as well.
Build the product called Legal whose basic purpose was to find the best
lawyer for the client to handle the case.
My responsibility in this project was to work on specific parts of UI in React, Redux and other third party libraries.
The easy to understand flow for hiring a lawyer was the main business
priority so creating the user friendly and more professional UI helped
business to get more traffic to their website which eventually will increase
their sales.
7) AG Smart
Built a cross-platform app called AG Smart which was based on real time
monitoring IOT devices which include different types of sensors
AG Smart solved the problem of real time monitoring IOT devices which
includes different types of sensors. The devices data was sent to influx db where the capacitor was used for real time notification.
My role in this project was to create a mobile app in React Native and work with real time technologies like influx db, capacitor and other third
party libraries. Also worked a little bit in ruby on rails because it was the admin panel built with Active admin. Also maintained the code quality as
8) Reqwire Hiring Service
Build a product that connects developers to innovative companies
directly for freelance and permanent positions.
Reqwire solved the problem of connecting developers to innovative
companies directly for freelance and permanent positions, without any
intermediaries involved. Here developers can create a free profile and let
companies apply directly to you, with tech stack and salary details
My role in Reqwire ways to build the frontend UI in React Redux and
other third party libraries and integrate the api's. Also I maintained the code quality as well.
Build SPQR which was a website and a company which outsourced
developers and provided development optimization services.
SPQR solved the problem of connecting talented developers to top
companies, SPQR deals with the clients and provides them the best
developer match.
My role in SPQR was to build the frontend UI in React, Bootstrap, CSS and to integrate the api's. Also maintained the code quality as well.
10) Terminal North
Terminal North is a fintech company focused on optimizing your KYC and Compliance processes. Founded by finance and technology
entrepreneurs with decades of experience in banking, compliance and technology Terminal North is committed to helping companies to make the change to KYC and Compliance 2.0.
Build a static website for company called terminal north, which was a
fintech company focused on optimizing your KYC and Compliance
My role in Terminal North was to build the frontend UI in ejs template,
CSS and it was all static and the code quality was great
11) Mayzbaan
Build a cross platform app Mayzbaan which is an airbnb clone and an online marketplace which lets people rent out their properties or spare
rooms to guests.
Mayzbaan was an airbnb clone and an online marketplace which lets
people rent out their properties or spare rooms to guests.
My role in Mayzbaan was to create a mobile app in React Native and work with technologies like React native, redux and other third party libraries.
12) BitBanq
Built a cross-platform app bitBanq which was a crypto wallet which is
used to send, receive, buy and sell the digital currency.
Bit banq was a crypto wallet which is used to send, receive, buy and sell the digital currency. Also it's secure and stores the public and/or private
keys. It also has the NFC chip functionality. Which makes this app unique from other apps.
My role in BitBanq was to create a mobile app in React Native and work
technologies like React native, redux, Secure Storage and other third
party libraries, keeping code quality in mind.
This company signed a deal with another swedish company and sold out the company for 1 million dollars, so the app was a part of the company
so this really helped business to get going.
13) BitMansion
Built a cross-platform app Bit-Mansion which was a crypto wallet which is
used to send, receive, buy and sell the digital currency.
Bit-Mansion is a crypto wallet which is used to send, receive, buy and sell
digital currency. Also it's secure and stores the public and/or private keys.
My role in BitBanq was to create a mobile app in React Native and work
technologies like React native, redux, Secure Storage and other third
party libraries, keeping code quality in mind.
Github Contributions
These contributions are a couple of years old. But still worth
• This module was created when the segmentedControlIos was split out
from the core of React Native.
• React Native SegmentedControlIos library is Used to render a UISegmentedControl on iOS.
• I took this task and shifted the module From Core of React Native, to a Separate module during Facebook Lean Code Project.
• https://github.com/harisbaig100/react-native-segmented-control. (Github)
• https://www.npmjs.com/package/@react-native-community/segmented-control
• This module was created when the Clipboard was split out from the core of React Native.
• React Native Clipboard library is Used to copy the text to phone's clipboard.
• I took this task and shifted the module From Core of React Native to a separate module during Facebook Lean Code Project.
• https://github.com/harisbaig100/react-native-clipboard (GitHub)
• https://www.npmjs.com/package/@react-native-community/react-native-clipboard