Joash .

Joash .

  • ICT Expert
  • **** **** ****
  • 10 Jahre Erfahrung
  • ASAP
  • Expert

I have over 17 years of experience in information communication and technologies, with a diverse range of administrative and technical experience, ranging from project management, software engineering, functional requirements analysis, business process reengineering, applications development, software quality assurance and testing, business development, data analytics and management, and client relations management. I am extremely versatile and I have international exposure with extensive experience working on projects in Investment Climate Advisory, Private Public Dialogue, ICT Strategy formulation and supporting Government Regulatory reforms through technology and e-government. I have been instrumental in the creation of a lot of running information systems in the private and public sectors including consultancies for the World Bank, USAID, East Africa Community, FHI 360, Rwanda Education Board, Danish Refugee Council, UNDP Somalia, WHO, amongst many others.I have in recent years successfully managed the implementation of registries, e-government, and revenue collection systems in Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, Lesotho, Ivory Coast, Zambia, and Rwanda, and continue to be key in the successful implementation of similar projects in Sub-Saharan Africa.



Computer Science

University of Sunderland, Bachelor's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung


Project Manager

Ministry of ICT and Uganda Registra9on Services Bureau USRB
May'2021 - May'2021
Jun 2022 Online Business Registra9on System (OBRS) for Uganda Responsible for consulMng, project management, and various tasks including scope definiMon, schedule management, and soTware documentaMon. Ensures effecMve communicaMon with stakeholders, progress monitoring, and performance measurement, while coordinaMng training and change management acMviMes.

IT specialist consultant

Somalia Na9onal Bureau of Sta9s9cs
Apr'2021 - Nov'2021
Development of a Mobile App and MIS to collect and manage consumer price index data. Responsible for developing a mobile app and MIS for offline data collecMon, analyMcs, and dashboards to effecMvely collect and manage consumer price index (CPI) data. The role includes creaMng a user-friendly app for data collecMon, ensuring offline funcMonality, and providing analyMcal dashboards to enhance CPI data management and analysis. AcMviMes included establishing data management tools, creaMng project-specific databases, and ensuring quality assurance in ICT infrastructure, network connecMvity, technical capacity, and security measures.

MIS Development Consultant

USAID Somalia Monitoring and Learning Program
Mar'2019 - Mar'2019
Aug 2022 To develop a Management InformaMon System to support the USAID Somalia Monitoring and Learning Program (OFDA & FFP) with high-level dashboards for Senior Management for decision-support as well as mulM-level, region, site and project (indicators, sectors, modaliMes) dashboards for implementaMon support, support for ImplemenMng Partners (IP) on-boarding process, site visits and data collecMon and reporMng (SVP and Monitoring reports and snap shots).

Chief Technology Officer

Verus Systems
Mar'2019 - May'2021
Develop and execute technology strategies aligned with business objecMves. Foster a culture of innovaMon within the organizaMon. Manage technology teams and oversee product development. Maintain and opMmize the technology stack and infrastructure. Ensure security, compliance, and risk management in technology operaMons. Budget and resource management for technology projects. Vendor and partner management for technology soluMons. Create and maintain a technology roadmap. Collaborate with other execuMves and stakeholders. Engage with external stakeholders to stay informed about industry trends.

ICT Consultant

Rwanda Educa9on Board
Jan'2019 - May'2019
Development of MIS for Forma9ve Assessment in Rwanda Responsible for the end-to-end development of an MIS tailored for FormaMve Assessment in Rwanda, including business analysis, SRS document creaMon, applicaMon development, rigorous tesMng, and successful deployment. The project's iniMal phase involves piloMng the MIS in 100 schools across various districts in Rwanda to assess its funcMonality and performance.

ICT Consultant

USAID East Africa Trade AND Investment Hub
Aug'2018 - Jun'2019
Technical Barrier to Trade Monitoring System for East Africa Community Member States Requirements analysis, requirements specificaMon and development of ICT monitoring tool to be used to tack implementaMon and compliance with WTO TBT agreements. Clients included EAC member states' Standards Bureaus, private sector players, and East Africa Business Council.

EWARN Development Consultant

World Health Organiza9on
May'2017 - Mar'2018
Early Warning Alert and Response Network (EWARN) System Responsible for developing an early warning system supporMng disease surveillance in Somalia, including naMonal, regional, district, and locaMon levels. The project involves a mobile app creaMon with features like user profiles, dynamic form generaMon, online and offline data collecMon, locaMon capture, user senngs, authenMcaMon, and SMS gateway integraMon to enhance early warning and response capabiliMes. Other key projects Development of e-Government Strategy and Roadmap for the Federal Government of Somalia - 2021

eGovernment Expert

Webmasters Africa
May'2014 - Mar'2019
Research and conduct site observaMons to idenMfy the equipment, methods, and personnel needed for effecMve processes. Examine emerging business best pracMces and technological developments that can help to automate and streamline processes to help businesses perform more efficiently. Gather informaMon through process mapping, flow-charMng, and workshops to develop berer process engineering. Communicate with project controllers, project managers, cost centre owners and accounMng personnel to ensure that business operaMons are closely monitored, and potenMal risks are miMgated. assess business requirements and make evidence-based recommendaMons to support process improvements. ICT Capacity Assessment, BudgeMng, Procurement, Change Management and Capacity Building.


World Bank Somaliland PSD Re Engagement Program
Jan'2013 - Dec'2014

Project Manager

WPP Scan Group
Nov'2010 - Jul'2012
Create and execute project work plans and revise as appropriate to meet changing soTware needs and requirements. IdenMfy resources needed and assign individual responsibiliMes to self and project team towards achievement of objecMves. Manage day-to-day operaMonal aspects of a project and scope of work and coordinate project reporMng. Review deliverables prepared by team and conduct quality control and analysis before passing to client. Document all project workflows and deliverables for easier follow up, coordinaMon, maintenance, and support. Design, develop and implement sound programmaMc soluMons to clients with no supervision. Heading a 23-member team of so'ware developers, designers, and content writers, I have managed several IT projects and digital campaigns for leading brands in the region including Safaricom, KCB, Air Uganda, Tigo Tanzania, Warid Telcom, Scangroup, BASCO, Vodafone Ghana etc.

Database Manager

World Agroforestry Centre ICRAF
May'2009 - Nov'2010
Review and redesign the website and develop a portal according to ICRAF/PROTA's mission and goals. Maintain and keep up to date portal funcMons and content according to the acMviMes of the programme. IntegraMon of mobile based technologies with the exisMng systems databases, enterprise-wide applicaMons. Ensure proper execuMon of the IT element in the organizaMon through creaMon of service level agreement, management of IT staff including training and support. Develop support systems to ensure users fully benefit from the programme and databases. Design, manage and update the intranet and integraMon of other database systems and applicaMons on the Intranet plasorm. Develop web usage reporMng tools, analyze website user staMsMcs, and write reports. Assess training needs and provide, as required, training to project staff, moderators, content administrators and endusers. Provide technical support to the system users. Review and update exisMng system, from Mme to Mme, according to internal and external feedback and recommend any possible changes based on the lessons learned. Maintain and update the exisMng databases. Review the necessity of re-designing the exisMng databases and the possibility of using open-source programmes and enhancement. Research on new technologies that can be used to improve web and database/soTware services delivery. Carry out other duMes as required and within reason. Developed PROTA4U an online digital encyclopedia and database to be used by botanical specialists and u9lizes automated authoring techniques to collect data from the internet and other digital sources and has a database comprising over 300,000 plant species with images, automated word document crea9on, language support tools.

Web Developer

Oct'2007 - Apr'2009
Responsible for every facet of web administraMon & applicaMon development (departmental management, planning, design / development /creaMng graphics, DNS, debugging, maintaining, some copy wriMng, search engine opMmizaMon, promoMon). Some of the primary duMes performed include: Plan department acMviMes to meet Mmelines and deadlines. Work with other ICT secMon heads to plan and project ICT user requirements in liaison with other departments for formulaMon of budgets. Develop policies and guidelines for web users and content contributors Manage and control Web Tools, UMliMes and Services. Develop Policies and Guidelines for service and support including Support LimitaMons, Web site Backup and Retrieval Policy, Disk Space and Storage, Web site Protocols, Usability and Accessibility, and System Maintenance. CollecMng user requirements, performing analysis, and understanding clients' business requirements and elaboraMng these into compelling usercentered back-end internet/intranet applicaMons. Liaison between the departments and department head office and other duMes that ensure smooth departmental or organizaMonal Web operaMons. I developed and integrated the CDC Kenya Corporate Intranet (from requirements collec9on, development to deployment including ongoing project wide web-based applica9ons) and was a key member of the team that oversaw the development and implementa9on of the Navision ERP that saw the automa9on and integra9on of corporate and enterprise-wide opera9ons of CDC Kenya.

ons Developer

Mar'2006 - Oct'2007
Development of website user interfaces and applicaMons on Mme and according to project budgets. Technical design, development, tesMng, implementaMon, and maintenance of web sites. Report on status of efforts, idenMfying issues that inhibit the arainment of project goals and implementaMon of correcMve acMon. Understanding business needs behind client requirements and design and development of effecMve web and mulMmedia soluMons to meet business needs. Designing and developing of prototypes and storyboards to effecMvely communicate design direcMon to the producMon team. IdenMfy and solve technical challenges of exisMng and new web and mulMmedia design components. Develop user interface standards and conduct usability analysis of exisMng funcMonality. Assist business development team in pre-sales roles, markeMng and contribute to other areas of the business where necessary. Lead the development of technical soluMons in response to client requirements, working with soTware engineers, graphic designers, quality assurance and release management funcMons. Worked on and managed web and so'ware projects for Equity Bank, CMC Motors, Heritage Insurance, Co-opera9ve Bank, East African Cables, Ministry of Industry and Trade Tanzania, and Law Society of Kenya etc.

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Java 10 Jahr(s)
  • PHP 10 Jahr(s)
  • Ruby 10 Jahr(s)
  • Python 10 Jahr(s)
  • Javascript 10 Jahr(s)
  • XML 10 Jahr(s)
  • Elixir 5 Jahr(s)
  • C# 10 Jahr(s)
  • HTML 15 Jahr(s)
  • CSS 15 Jahr(s)
  • Oracle 10 Jahr(s)
  • MySQL 10 Jahr(s)
  • PostgreSQL 10 Jahr(s)
  • SQL 10 Jahr(s)
  • JSON 8 Jahr(s)
  • NoSQL 15 Jahr(s)
  • Data Management 1 Jahr(s)
  • ERP 10 Jahr(s)
  • Data Analysis 10 Jahr(s)
  • Linux 10 Jahr(s)
  • Unix 10 Jahr(s)
  • Data Science 15 Jahr(s)
  • PowerBI 8 Jahr(s)
  • Bootstrap 15 Jahr(s)
  • Laravel 15 Jahr(s)
  • Django 15 Jahr(s)
  • Git 15 Jahr(s)
  • Subversion 15 Jahr(s)
  • CI/CD 10 Jahr(s)
  • AWS 8 Jahr(s)
  • Cloud 15 Jahr(s)


  • English good
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