Aly .

Aly .

  • .Net Developer / Xamarin Developer
  • Alexandria, Egypt
  • **** **** ****
  • 6 Jahre Erfahrung
  • ASAP
  • Senior

My passion for software started back when I was a geek teenager who carved his way into the field the hard way. The more experience I earned, the stronger my sense of smart-and-balanced grew. I'm looking forward to becoming a part of a decent, productive, flexible and consistently-developing team, preferably who works on a promising product.



Libraries and Information Science

Alexandria University, Bachelor's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung


.Net / Xamarin Developer

Agile Innovations Group | Tindall Media
Aug'2019 - Oct'2021
This is a full-time remote position in a US-based software house. Here is where my skill-set have significantly widened and it was the first time I get exposed to a systematic workplace and have agile put into practice. At this position I’ve worked with a considerable variety of technologies and languages and have taken part in almost each step in the software development lifecycle. In order to conserve the confidentiality of the company’s projects, I may not disclose many details about them, but my work at Agile included (but was not limited to) the following technologies, tools, frameworks and languages: C#, Xamarin Forms (Android and iOS development), ASP.NET Core, ASP Boilerplate / ZERO, Javascript, Typescript, Node.js, React-Native, Angular, SQL Server, MySql, Azure CosmosDb, Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, Azure Web App services, Azure Application Insights, Azure Build Pipelines, Azure Release Pipelines, AppCenter, xUnit, NUnit, Xamarin UI-automation tests, TFVC, Git


Mar'2018 - Sep'2019
• (Mar 2018 – Sep 2019) With a profile of 30-reviews (at the time of writing this) and an average rating of 4.9/5, constitutes a bold step in my career as that's where I worked on a wide variation of tasks, projects, languages and technologies. On freelancer, as a single individual, in addition to the actual development work, I've been my own salesperson, designer and architect. That didn't only grow my sense of responsibility and appreciation of deadlines, but also grew my interpersonal skills as I had to deal with different nationalities and personalities throughout the way. My work on involves most of the skill-set I mentioned. • Cataloging Cards (Feb 2018) As part of my study in the department of libraries and information science in college, I've noticed the many steps and rules that are followed to create hand-written cataloging cards (that are still being widely used in Egyptian libraries); therefore, I decided to automate the card formatting following the Anglo-American rules. This is a single-paged website (without front-end lib) that could be consumed as a paid service to end-users. Languages and technologies used: C#, Image Processing, Asp.Net MVC, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, SQL Server (DDL, DML, DQL) Team size: 1Link:•ElReef Tenders (Jul 2016-Aug 2016) A Windows desktop application made to record, manage, and report tenders for a Saudi corporate. Languages and technologies used: C#, Windows Forms, DevExpress Controls, SQL Server 2012 (DDL, DQL, DML) Team size: 4• Iatpro (April 2016) IatPro is a website built to advertise services for an international mineral fibers distributor. Languages and technologies used: C#, Asp.Net MVC, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SWF Editing Team size: 2 Link:

.Net / Desktop Developer

Kamar Trade Solutions
Aug'2017 - May'2018
• SmartTouch (Feb 2018-May 2018) SmartTouch is a Windows desktop application that is intended for stores to manage business and generate reports. I've had multiple tasks assigned to me involving tuning, bug fixing, new reports, new modules, creation of a sales point version for store branches. Languages and technologies used: VB.Net, Windows Forms, SQL Server (DDL, DML, DQL, Linked Servers), Crystal Reports Team size: 1 • SuperWear (Oct 2017-Feb 2018) SuperWear is a Windows desktop application intended for cloths stores. It has a version for management server and a version to serve as a sales point in store branches. I've worked on multiple tasks on that app - mostly tuning and bug fixing. Languages and technologies used: VB.Net, C#, Windows Forms, SQL Server (DDL, DML, DQL), Crystal Reports Team size: 2 • Archiving (Sep 2017-Oct 2017) Archiving is a windows desktop application that is intended for storing (being an archive for) enterprise and governmental organizations' documents and files. The app has integration between Windows Forms and WPF. Tasks assigned to me in this project was tuning, sending the heavy operations to a background thread while keeping the UI responsive, and adding new modules. Languages and technologies used: VB.Net, Windows Forms, WPF, SQL Server (DDL, DML, DQL) Team size: 2 • KTS Universal Restaurants (Aug 2017-Sep 2017) The project was intended to be a mobile app for restaurants' customers to order food deliverable to customer's place. The app involved a Xamarin mobile app and it's API - and I've had contributions in both; in addition to a web admin panel (which I solely built) to monitor live orders and set restaurant owners' preferences. Languages and technologies used: C#, Asp.Net MVC, Asp.Net API, Xamarin Forms, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, SignalR, SQL Server (DDL, DML, DQL) Team size: 2

Intern Desktop Developer

Jul'2016 - Sep'2016
Where I've been assigned several tasks that involves both SQL Server and Windows Forms applications.

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Xamarin 4 Jahr(s)
  • VB.NET 6 Jahr(s)
  • Bootstrap 6 Jahr(s)
  • Android 2 Jahr(s)
  • ADO.NET 6 Jahr(s)
  • Asp.NET 6 Jahr(s)
  • WinForms 6 Jahr(s)
  • WPF 5 Jahr(s)
  • Telerik 6 Jahr(s)
  • React Native 1 Jahr(s)
  • xUnit 2 Jahr(s)
  • HTML 1 Jahr(s)
  • Javascript 3 Jahr(s)
  • CSS 1 Jahr(s)
  • C# 6 Jahr(s)
  • XAML 5 Jahr(s)
  • MySQL 2 Jahr(s)
  • SQLite 6 Jahr(s)
  • SQL 4 Jahr(s)
  • T-SQL 6 Jahr(s)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 6 Jahr(s)
  • Web Services 0 Jahr(s)
  • SignalR 5 Jahr(s)
  • Azure 2 Jahr(s)
  • Unit Testing 6 Jahr(s)
  • Git 2 Jahr(s)
  • REST APIs 3 Jahr(s)


  • English good
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