Senior Full-Stack Developer with five years of experience in HTML, CSS, Tailwind CSS, JavaScript, React Js, Next Js, Vue Js, Node Js, PHP, Laravel, Mysql, MongoDB, Linux Centos Web admin.
BSc. Physics
University of Mkar, Bachelor's Degree
Arbeit & Erfahrung
Senior Full Stack Developer
Century Information Systems
Sep'2015 - May'2021
Design and deploy web applications for Century
Information Systems clients.Design and manage database structure for back-end applications utilizing
MongoDB Atlas with AWS
Senior Web Administrator
Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN)
Jan'2015 - May'2021
Design and manage FRCN Staff Identity Card Management system, design and manage FRCN headquarters News website and online streaming radio, design and optimization network infrastructure, manage Microsoft Server/Linux server Manage FRCN core Virtual Private Network (VPS).