Ziad .

Ziad .

  • Kafr ash Shaykh, Egypt
  • **** **** ****
  • 2 Jahre Erfahrung
  • ASAP
  • Mid-Level

I'm a self-driven Software Engineer. I am very flexible and creative. I love creating great user experiences. I care a lot about fine details and also the big picture. I started coding at the very young age of 12.I have plenty of experience with Frontend and Backend Engineering. I am resourceful and value my ability to explore a lot and efficiently. I worked with multiple technologies and different concepts.I care a lot about maintaining a healthy work environment and communication skills.I have a blog called thetuteur.com where I talk about Software Engineering topics.I scored in the top 10% of test takers on the Triplebyte assessment for Front End Engineering. https://tinyurl.com/y3yejex5



Computer Science

KFS University, Bachelor's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung


Backend Engineer

INm a selfMdriven Software Gngineer
Jan'2021 - May'2021
Jan 2021 - Current:ne details and also the big picture. I FLOW HEALTH started coding at the very young age of 62. I am responsible for- I have plenty of eWperience with M Oaintaining microservices architecture 4rontend and Rackend Gngineering. I am M Implementing new features resourceful and value my ability to eWplore M zptimi, e data layer and work with CassandraD BynamoBRD and xedis a lot and ef:ciently. I worked with multiple M zptimi, e backend services technologies and different concepts. M Bebug and:W bugs and incidents I care a lot about maintaining a healthy M Aork in harmony in teams and maintain documentation in •tlassian ConEuence work environment and communication skills.

Full Stack Engineer

Jan'2020 - May'2021
I have a blog called thetuteur.com where COATCONENCT I talk about Software Gngineering topics. I am responsible for- I scored in the top 60U of T Oaintaining the CoatConnect gateway written with xeact.js test takers on the qriplebyte T ServerMSide xendering and performance optimi, ation assessment for 4ront Gnd Gngineering. T Besign xGSqful and LraphP/ •KI https://tinyurl.com/y3yejex5 T CodeKipeline CIFCB T /og and analy, e data with •AS 3inesis 4irehose and •thena T Search Gngine with •lgolia T Implement a hybrid mobile app with Cordova and 4irebase Cloud Oessaging SKILLS T xefactor and migrate from old xeact code and •nt Besign v' to vH +ode.js

Backend Engineer

Aug'2018 - Mar'2019
(CONTRACT) Bocker I worked on KitchOaster which is a portal for young artists to allow them to pay for their music to be put on big playlists with a big following. Bevzps T Besign a xGSqful •KI with +est.js T Bocument •KIs with Swagger •ngular T Besign a Lraph&/ interface T Integrate with SpotifyD KayKalD and SoundCloud •KIs Ionic T se Glasticsearch for searching the playlists indeW T Beploy CIFCB pipelines and maintain my own servers OonogBR Cassandra S&/ xGSqful Lraph&/ xedis xesearch Communication qechnical Ariting

Front End Engineer

May'2018 - Aug'2019
xeact ItNs a Software @ouse where I was responsible for implementing solutions for businesses. T Ruild web applications with •ngular xeact +ative T Ruild mobile apps with xeact +ative T Ruild hybrid apps with Ionic and Cordova Oicroservices T Aork with xGSqful •KIs T Arite clean organi, ed components for other employees to reuse •AS

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Vue js 2 Jahr(s)
  • microservices 2 Jahr(s)
  • Express 5 Jahr(s)
  • React Native 2 Jahr(s)
  • Ionic 2 Jahr(s)
  • Docker 4 Jahr(s)
  • Node js 4 Jahr(s)
  • React js 4 Jahr(s)
  • Vue js 2 Jahr(s)
  • microservices 2 Jahr(s)
  • Express 5 Jahr(s)
  • React Native 2 Jahr(s)
  • Ionic 2 Jahr(s)
  • Docker 4 Jahr(s)
  • Node js 4 Jahr(s)
  • React js 4 Jahr(s)
  • Cassandra 0 Jahr(s)
  • Redis 2 Jahr(s)
  • Graphql 3 Jahr(s)
  • AWS S3 2 Jahr(s)
  • Redis 2 Jahr(s)
  • Graphql 3 Jahr(s)
  • AWS S3 2 Jahr(s)
  • Javascript 6 Jahr(s)
  • CSS 6 Jahr(s)
  • Javascript 6 Jahr(s)
  • CSS 6 Jahr(s)


  • English native
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