Saqib .

Saqib .

  • Saqib
  • **** **** ****
  • 4 Jahre Erfahrung
  • Within a Week
  • Senior

I did Bs In computer Science from University of gujrat After that I did start Work in a company based in Islamabad Pakistn Name Merik Solution And her iam working from last 5 years I java script and Typescript By using Different Javascript Framwork Like Angular and React js. Currently iam working with React-typescript template



BS Computer Science

University Of Gujrat, Bachelor's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung


Web Developer where I

Merik Solution
Feb'2018 - Nov'2022
worked on the following projects. 1- Payroll System(Completed) I worked on the project of Payroll where I did both front and backend roles. Tools and Technologies: (AngularJs, NodeJs, Mongo DB) 2- Online Gift Service Website - FNP (Completed) This was a project Online Gift Service Website - FNP. where I worked on both the front end and backend roles. Tools and Technologies: (ReactJs, NodeJs, Mongo DB) 3- Blue silo - Online Attendance System (completed) It is product of our client for Management of Employees in company where we manage all levels of Employment in a company. Tools and Technologies: (ReactJs, NodeJs, Mongo DBL) 4- EOA Property (working) It is product of our client for Management of Properties For Rent And Sale in company where we manage all levels of Properties in a company. Tools and Technologies: (Nextjs, NodeJs, Mongo DBL) 5- Salvex (working) It is product of our client for Management of Employees For Recruitment and Task Management Of Employees Tools and Technologies: (React-Gatsby, NodeJs, Mongo DBL) Squadly Services App: 6- (Squadly Services App)(working) It is product of our client for Management of Employees For RTask Management Of Employees Tools and technology(React-typescript, Node js) for lilbrary documentation and dynamic component we are using Storybook


"Squaly App" actually a product that use to manage the employees Work As Team. Squadly app use to keep track of the work.

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Javascript 3 Jahr(s)
  • TypeScript 3 Jahr(s)
  • AngularJS 3 Jahr(s)
  • Next.js 3 Jahr(s)
  • Node js 3 Jahr(s)


  • English good
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