Joshua .

Joshua .

  • Mr
  • Abuja, Nigeria
  • **** **** ****
  • 3 Jahre Erfahrung
  • ASAP
  • Senior

Skilled Mobile Developer with 3 years of experience in mobile app development. Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for dynamic mobile projects.Well-versed in numerous programming including Dart, Java, Javascript and kotlin. Constantly striving to learn new technologies and look to ways to better myself in this rapidly changing industry.Hardworking detail oriented and able to multi-task effectively.



Building Technology

Federal University of Technology, Minna., Bachelor's Degree

Arbeit & Erfahrung


Mobile Developer Flutter

May'2021 - Jul'2022
contract Payceler is a financial trading platform that provides quick remittance services, competitive and commission free foreign exchange globally. PlayStore Link: Deployed using CI/CD to specific agents emails. Worked on Agents app for android and IOS using Flutter as a hybrid solution. Designed and developed many highly promoted features like Initiate Trade, Trade Management, Trade History, Local Registry for documents, Real-time live chat with web sockets, and Bank Account management. Used One-signal for notifications of all activities. Used hybrid-composition to render a native library not available on flutter for android. Developed the user interface with material design principles. Used Flutter provider pattern to handle all interactions between UI and business logic. Used DIO for RESTful API services for retrieving updating, and deleting data usually in JSON format. Applied Various techniques to locate bugs and errors in the application.

Mobile Developer

Mar'2020 - May'2021
Rev-Pro is an Invoice & Receipt Agents Mobile App that automates revenue collection for formal and informal sectors in Nigeria.PlayStore: link Designed and developed many highly promoted features for Rev-Pro using Flutter. Involved in the entire software development process for the project: Requirement specification, Design, and implementation. Used Provider design pattern to handle the interaction between UI and business logic. Used RESTful API services for retrieving updating, and deleting data usually in JSON format. Implemented push notification using one-signal. Implemented integration of mobile Bluetooth printers for receipt management. Implemented local caching/syncing on device for seamless use of the application in poor network environments. Applied Various techniques to locate bugs and errors in the application. Moneta is a payment gateway that facilitates card, USSD and bank transfer payments that makes everyday payment simple, safe, and secure. Developed flutter plugins to integrate moneta payments into internal and client applications. Developed an agency banking app using moneta wallet system to help facilitate easy and fast collection of payments. Adhered to MVC design architecture using flutter provider for state management. Utilized Hybrid-composition to render native views in flutter application. Also developed multiple applications for clients in various sectors from social- media, finance, health care and e-commerce. Some of which include: - Desal-MCS: a micro-cooperative society that offers savings, loans, investments and other personal finance focused features. PlayStore: link - Alumates: a social networking platform that aims to connect alumni of institutions to their classmates and schoolmates. PlayStrore: link - Prestige Interior Design Academy: a membership-based platform that connects professional and aspiring interior designers to clients from across the country. PlayStore: link - ANOH Health App: an app that is focused on data collection for children of ages 0-5, to monitor and report progress and advice parents on all necessary immunizations / hospital visits. Unreleased on playstore - Proclapp: A forum based social network platform where experts share insights on a range of topics. PlayStore: link

Berufliche Fähigkeiten

  • Java 2 Jahr(s)
  • Kotlin 2 Jahr(s)
  • Caching 1 Jahr(s)
  • Git 3 Jahr(s)
  • JSON 1 Jahr(s)
  • Flutter 3 Jahr(s)
  • Android 3 Jahr(s)


  • English native
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