Entdecken Sie, wie wir die Einstellung zum Besseren verändern

Time to Find Talent

Time to Find Talent

With Remoteplatz, you can find top talent as fast as 48 hours, compared to the 1-4 months typical employment that virtual platforms require.
No Recruiting Fee

No Recruiting Fee

Remoteplatz charges no recruiting fees, whereas typical employment can cost upto 33% of annual compensation ($10,000-$70,000).
Quality Guarantee

Quality Guarantee

Remoteplatz provides a quality guarantee, ensuring you get the best candidates.
Failure Rate

Failure Rate

The failure rate is very low due to Remoteplatz’s rigorous vetting process, which ensures only top-tier talents are accepted.
Pre-Screened Candidates

Pre-Screened Candidates

Remoteplatz offers pre-screened candidates, ensuring you get highly qualified professionals.
Termination Costs

Termination Costs

Low termination cost, compared to the very high cost associated with typical employment.

Kosteneffiziente Einstellung mit RemotePlatz

No Recruitment Fee

No Recruitment Fee

Remoteplatz offers a cost-efficient hiring solution and does not charge any recruitment fees, eliminating a major cost associated with traditional hiring processes.

No Overhead Costs

No Overhead Costs

Unlike office-based employees, there are no overhead costs such as office rental and equipment.

Lower External Recruiting Costs

Lower External Recruiting Costs

Savings on external expenses such as agency fees, advertising costs, and relocation costs due to the remote nature of the work.

Unsere Talente werden im Voraus auf Qualität und Erfahrung geprüft

Talents’ portfolios and past work are examined to gauge their proficiency and experience in relevant fields.
Talents undergo skill assessments and technical tests relevant to their expertise.
Ongoing monitoring and evaluation to ensure talents consistently meet the high standards expected by Remoteplatz and its clients.

Was unsere Lösung hervorhebt

In 2 Tagen einstellen, nicht in Monaten

Send us your request

Send us your request

Give us details about your job opening, the ideal candidate, and the required tech stack.


Review and select candidates matched to your needs, typically within 2 days.
Hire and grow

Hire and grow

Once hired, we handle the onboarding of your selected candidate. Work seamlessly with your remote developers and enjoy a 30-day free trial

Finden Sie das Talent, das Sie suchen

Entwickler, Designer, Produktmanager, Interim CTO, Marketing
  • Entwickler
  • Designer
  • Produktmanager
  • CTOs

Entdecken Sie Remoteplatz-Trendthemen

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