Raymond .
hong-kong Hong Kong ( GMT )
18 yrs Experience
Can Join ASAP English: Advanced

I'm Raymond, software engineer with nearly 20 years experience in especially server-side development, with achievements include integrations with clients' document workflow, as well as deployments of many mobile games' servers. I'm joining Remoteplatz as a test of my ability recognition outside HK.

I'm Raymond, software engineer with nearly 20 years experience in especially server-side development, with achievements include integrations with clients' document workflow, as well as deployments of many mobile games' servers. I'm joining Remoteplatz as a test of my ability recognition outside HK.

Website developer
Amax Enterprises HK
Feb'20- Apr'20

● Freelance work to implement a responsive website for a drinkware company ● Written in react.js ● Result: http://www.amax-tableware.com ● Backend is based on codeigniter due to legacy code and time limit, also used only CSV lists due to server limitations (VPS with no MySQL); but backend API is RESTful and JSON API compliant

Senior Software Engineer
Nextmedia Lifestyle Entertainment Services Nextmedia Animation
Jul'11- present

● Server-side development for TV set-top box games for the group's Internet TV service in Taiwan ● Participated in developing Weather College, a HTML5 game for iOS ● Server-side development for Liars' Inn, a Liars' Dice game for iOS and Android ● Developer of company's experimental project ● Initial inspection of newly licensed games' code ● Server-side and client-side localised development and deployment of Alteil Brave, iOS card-based RPG game licensed from Coreedge (EOL in 2014) ● Server-side development and DevOps for Dragonfang, an iOS/Android Action RPG game licensed from Japanese Game Developer Toydea for worldwide release, using Google Cloud Platform (EOL in Jul 2017) ● Develop and prepare code for preparing local server for game development using Vagrant, Chef and Virtualbox ● Acted as project manager of one game remake, prepare requirement documents to third party software house for implementation ● Server side development for Corporation's projects ● Participated in developing the company's series of licensed casual games, with customizations for company's promotional events. Released titles include (below are for Android - but iOS versions are also available) ○ Lazy fish ○ Spell master ○ Petit Pet Puzzle ○ Battlesky Brigade Tap Tap ○ Iteno - Count by Heart ○ Happy Town (恆樂町) ○ Curupon (可樂蹦/くるぽん) and more are under development (as of Aug 2020) ● Server-side development for the company's membership system ● Prepare web sites for game event registration ● Current monthly salary: $32500 HKD

System Specialist
Asta Systems
Nov'07- Jun'11

Customize and develop the company's Document Management System for customers ● Provide on-site support for the company's Document Management System installations ● Reason for leaving: in quest for new opportunities of development

System Consultant
Apex pro Systems
Aug'07- Oct'07

● Customized the company's proprietary Supply Chain Management solution to customers. ● Reason for leaving: Offer by Asta Systems

Software Engineer
2Fi Business Solutions
Oct'02- Jun'07

Participated in the architectural design, infrastructure build-up, and implemented a web-based knowledge management and learning platform ● Participated in the architectural design, infrastructure build-up, and implemented a resource planning system targeted for manufacturing industries ● Reason for leaving: in quest for new opportunities of development

Computer and networking
to 2006
Bachelor's Degree
The Open University of Hong Kong

Talent has not added any projects
Talent has not added any courses
Talent has not added any trainings
Very good