Zahangir .
bangladesh Dhaka, Bangladesh ( GMT )
4 yrs Experience
Can Join Within 2 Months English: Advanced

Zahangir Alam works at IICT-BUET as Sr. Programmer. He is Java expert & the creator of CrackCode with Zahangir ( He has 5 + years experiences on Java, Spring, Data JPA, Security, Hibernate, MySQL, Oracle. Also has hands on experiences on Angular, JQuery, Jasper Reports, Cloud, Linux, Docker, CI/CD etc. He is passionate about enterprise systems, data access framework and distributed systems. He is a self motivated, career focused software engineer, intended to develop solutions to support milions of data, users and enterprises.

Zahangir Alam works at IICT-BUET as Sr. Programmer. He is Java expert & the creator of CrackCode with Zahangir ( He has 5 + years experiences on Java, Spring, Data JPA, Security, Hibernate, MySQL, Oracle. Also has hands on experiences on Angular, JQuery, Jasper Reports, Cloud, Linux, Docker, CI/CD etc. He is passionate about enterprise systems, data access framework and distributed systems. He is a self motivated, career focused software engineer, intended to develop solutions to support milions of data, users and enterprises.

Senior Software Engineer at Intelligent Tourist Aid
Spring Security JPA
Apr'21- present

(Remote & Part-time). • Key Responsibilities: - Lead the Team, Manage Project - Requirement analysis, Develop application architecture - Backend APIs with Spring boot, Spring Security, JPA, MySQL - Frontend with Angular 10. - Managing deployment at cloud (Linode). - Manage the version control. - Senior Programmer at IICT-BUET (BRTC Project) from January 1, 2022. • Key Responsibilities: - Lead the team & client by business requirement, functional requirements - Manage Client requirement - BRTC and govt. ERP projects - APIs & backend Spring boot, JPA, Oracle - Implement SOAP API, payment Gateway - System design and implement innovative ideas - Provide software training/workshop to clients - Manage the version control & deployment.

Senior Software Engineer
Pacific Soft
Jul'20- Dec'20

(Remote & Part-time) • Key Responsibilities: - Implement online export & import system with Spring boot, JPA, JWT and Jquery. - Maintenance of Print-tex POS project. - Integrating new reports with jasper as per client requirements. - Maintaining Git and live deployment. - URL: - URL:

Mid Label Software Engineer
Bit Mascot
Jul'18- Dec'18

• Key Responsibilities: - Developing Web-Commander CMS (E-Commerce Application) with Grails. - Integrating Dynamic Database per Tenant Multi-Tenancy. - Integrating login reCAPTCHA v2 to customer login. - Integrating different payment gateway and plugins to core CMS. - URL:

Software Engineer
Pacific Soft
May'18- Aug'18

(Remote) • Key Responsibilities: - Understanding client requirements - Managing live deployment in Cloud (DigitalOcean) - Developing Web Application using Spring Boot, Spring Security, JPA, MySQL, Thymeleaf. - Maintaining Version Control.

Remote AND Part time
Jan'18- Dec'18

Key Responsibilities: - Pulling JSON data using HTTP URL connection from with secret API key. - Push those JSON data to database using Hibernate. - Show those data to web-interfaces using Java EE, JSF and Primefaces. - Perform REST methods to push those data into wordpress. - Working with boncheck research and global database. - Integrating Bitcoin with Blockchain API. - Giving security to all web-interfaces. - Using JIRA documentation and bitbucket.

Assistant Programmer at IICT BUET BRTC Project
ERP for Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company
Dec'17- Dec'18

to December 17, 2019. • Key Responsibilities: - Developing BRTC ERP projects. - Create API with spring boot, JPA for banking • Projects: • ERP for Karnaphuli Gas Distribution Company Ltd. • ERP for Bakhrabad Gas Distribution Company Ltd. • ERP for Sundarban Gas Company Ltd. • DPE system for Government Primary Teachers Job. - Create DPE interface using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Spring AOP, Reflection API, JPA, Thymeleaf, Oracle, JQuery.

Dec'17- present

Software Engineer
TekSoi Software
Jan'17- May'18

(Remote). • Key Responsibilities: - Create back-end REST API with Spring Boot, JPA, MySQL & Oracle. • Projects: • Online Electricity Bill Payment System. - Create Backend API with Spring Boot, JPA, MySQL. - URL: • Online Assessment System. - Create Backend API with Spring Boot, JPA, MySQL. - URL: • Point of Sale (POS). - Create Backend API with Spring Boot, Spring AOP, JPA, MySQL. • Public Information Management System. - Create Backend API showing data in Frontend with Spring Boot, Hibernate, Oracle, JSP, JQuery. - Implementing General Provident Fund Feature, Kallan Feature, Disciplinary action feature for Ministry of Public Administration. - URL: - URL 2: • Web Crawler System - Create Backend API with Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, Hibernate and Apache Derby Database. • MOPA Apps for Ministry of Public Administration. - Developing apps and working with apps live issues.

Software Engineer
Jun'01- Jun'17

Computer Science & Engineering
to 2017
Bachelor's Degree
National University, Bangladesh

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