Ahmed .
egypt Cairo, Egypt ( GMT )
6 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten Within 2 Months Englisch: Fortgeschritten

Experienced Back End Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Strong engineering professional skilled in Docker, Ruby on Rails and ReactJS.

Experienced Back End Engineer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Strong engineering professional skilled in Docker, Ruby on Rails and ReactJS.

Senior Backend Software Engineer
Jul'21- present

  • An online platform provides over 21000 videos, courses, and live events through Yoga.
  •  Leading in the technical decisions and architectures to provide high standards and code quality.
  • Provisioning/maintaining infrastructure through AWS services such as EKS, ECR, RDS, IAM, ElasticSearch, SecretsManager, and S3, including Terraform automation.
  • Lead infrastructure changes to move from EC2 to ECS which took us to 99.99% availability and increased our development/deployment process by 50 %.
  • Provisioned new services for logging, monitoring, and metrics collection using ELK stack.
  • Continuous development and delivery of new features using Ruby on Rails.
  • Writing our own gems such as Graphql Hybrid Authenticator called (Graphise).

Backend Software Engineer
Oct'17- Jul'21

Admin Panel (Internal Tool)

  • Planning and designing ReactJS project that provides an admin panel frontend for a certain API by just configuring JSON files.
  • Developing middleware and components to be generic and can be configurable to support all kinds of configurations.
GenOps (Internal Tool)
  • Planning and designing a tool that works as a code generator based on configuration files for the backend using pure Ruby.
  • Applying to Reconcile design pattern in order to make our tool stateful so the tool itself can do more than just generate initial code.
  • Developing/Integrating engines that help our tools such as Payments Engine and Authentication Engine.
GS1-Egypt -- gs1eg.org
  • Upgrading to the latest versions of Rails and Refactoring the legacy code to the highest standard and convention.
  • Developing new features/services.
  • Maintaining and migrating fully to Azure Cloud.
  • Decoupling large monolithic apps into small domains/services.
Transporter -- transporter-group.com
  • Analyzing business needs to transform it into technical solutions.
  • Developing a high-end tailored geolocation service written from scratch to meet the business needs.
  • Provisioning and maintaining a Kube cluster for staging/production to meet high availability.
  • Reviewing architecture and code to meet standards.

Junior Full Stack Engineer
Oct'17- Jan'18

  • Created new multiple services for sales, human resources, and residence, Managing 200+ member and 1000+ student that interact with

Computer Engineering
zu 2019
Bachelor's Degree
German University of Cairo

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