Adam .
ghana Accra, Ghana ( GMT )
6 yrs Experience
Can Join ASAP English: Advanced

I have over 6 years of experience building Business to Business applications for online merchants on Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento and many other platforms. I have integrated our solutions with third party api's like Google AdWords, Amazon Seller Central, Ebay to list a few.

I have over 6 years of experience building Business to Business applications for online merchants on Shopify, BigCommerce, Magento and many other platforms. I have integrated our solutions with third party api's like Google AdWords, Amazon Seller Central, Ebay to list a few.

Software Engineer
Minex 360
Nov'20- present

Implemented an e-learning platform for students Worked on components to enable students to take quizzes and assignments Worked on components to allow students to view results submitted by teachers Worked on components to allow students to access learning resources Implemented an e-learning admin for teachers Worked on components to allow school admins to track attendance Worked on components to allow school admins to create quizzes and assignments Worked on components to allow school admins to add learning resources Worked on components to enable school admins to schedule lessons Implemented an internal admin dashboard Implemented a dashboard to enable school admins track student pick up from campus Added unit and integration tests to components and templates Integrating new ui components into frontend Performing code reviews on pull requests submitted on Bitbucket Managing project stories using Jira Tech Stack: PHP, Laravel, Javascript, Angular, Jasmine

Software Engineer
Kudobuzz Tema
Mar'18- Nov'19

Managed both Php/Laravel back-end and Angulart front-end aspects of the development process. Received and refined concepts in order to put together effective road-maps for Google Ads integration. Completed code debugging and implemented fixes to resolve problems based on a priority system. Coordinated system installations, testing and code corrections to produce high-quality final products. Ensured the immediate resolution of issues created on the GitHub projects board so that all project deliverable's and key milestones were met as defined by stakeholders. Designed complex interfaces to support third party integrations like Amazon Ads, Google Ads, Ebay, Bing, Shopzilla and many other shopping engines. Designed, documented and executed maintenance procedures, including system upgrades, system installation and system backups using api blueprint, swagger and markdown files. Worked extensively with engineering staff and product manager's to better understand solutions and benefits to projects. Reviewed information and elements regularly on websites and pages for accuracy and functionality. Handled splitting of the Angular/Laravel monolith Saas application to separate services. Helped setup Cross Origin Resource Sharing to enable communication between the Php/Laravel api and the Javascript/Angular 7 frontend. Peer reviewed pull requests on Github to ensure code quality. Helped setup continuous integration with Codeship for frontend and api projects. Performed maintenance tasks on Google compute engine server instance. Helped migrate the multichannel application onto the kubernetes cluster Worked on migrating merchant feeds to Google cloud bucket storage from local disk. Performed estimates of work hours and tracked progress using Agile/SCRUM methodology. Tech Stack: PHP, Laravel, Angular, PHPUnit, Jasmine

Software Engineer
Jun'14- Mar'18

Oversaw deployment, configuration and documentation procedures of RetailTower Api Gateway, RetailTower Merchant Dashboard and RetailTower Workers projects. Communicated with customer support team about progress updates, gathered feedback and worked to resolve specific concerns. Assisted clients and support staff with troubleshooting, including app installation and bug reports to quickly and effectively resolve tickets. Participated in team meetings with CEO and CTO and provided input on expected deadlines, designs and enhancements. Tested newly created client code for bugs and performance issues to determine weaknesses. Helped CTO develop product and technology road-map and strategy from concept to launch. Instrumented and modified unit, api and integration tests to improve software quality and reliability. Mentored and developed junior developers and engineers who joined the team. Worked closely with other development team members to identify and remove software bugs. Drove continual improvement to the RetailTower system architecture by refactoring legacy code. Kept project manager informed of milestone updates and provided detailed project report every week. Developed new, efficient, and well-tested code for variety of different projects. Demonstrated exceptional interpersonal and communication skills, which improved team collaboration, customer relationships. Initiated efforts to migrate legacy applications like the XML based Magento RetailTower extension to JSON. Performed estimates of work hours and tracked progress using Agile/SCRUM methodology. Recommended improvements to team and project workflow. Modified existing software systems to enhance performance with caching techniques. Tech Stack: PHP, Laravel

Information technology
to 2021
Bachelor's Degree
Open University Malaysia

PHP Finance (Vanilla PHP API)

 A finance api built to enable users to send and receive funds between accounts.

Coin Toss (Angular - Ngrx)

An Angular project to help track the performance of your favorite crypto currencies. Relies on the coin api for market data and ngrx store.

Mojo Finance (Laravel)

 A finance api built with Laravel to enable users to send and receive funds between accounts. Supports scheduling of transactions.

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