leon .
kenya Nairobi, Kenya ( GMT )
7 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

Meet Leon Lishenga, a skilled DevOps and Backend Engineer with extensive experience in AWS architecture, Terraform, and Packer. Currently working as a Team Lead at an energy and IoT company, Leon Lishenga manages a team of 4 developers and oversees the full software development lifecycle. Leon Lishenga has a proven track record of creating effective solutions, including a NodeJS mapper with TypeORM that helped to move over 4 million records from PostgreSQL DB to MongoDB, and developing the AWS architecture of the company using Terraform and Packer. They have also deployed NestJS GraphQL applications in a microservices setup in ECS using ECR, and set up the company's CI/CD architecture using GitHub actions, AWS CodeDeploy, and Serverless framework. Leon Lishenga has a wealth of technical skills including Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Prometheus, Grafana, GraphQL, NestJS, AWS CodeDeploy, Amazon ECS, MongoDB, MQTT, Loki, Promtail, Elasticsearch, Kibana, ECR, Amazon VPC, microservices, ReactJS, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Node Exporter, Terraform, Node.js, Jenkins, AWS Lambda, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and Docker. Leon Lishenga's goal is to use their skills and expertise to develop innovative solutions that can help address the issue of global energy poverty and improve the lives of people around the world.

Meet Leon Lishenga, a skilled DevOps and Backend Engineer with extensive experience in AWS architecture, Terraform, and Packer. Currently working as a Team Lead at an energy and IoT company, Leon Lishenga manages a team of 4 developers and oversees the full software development lifecycle. Leon Lishenga has a proven track record of creating effective solutions, including a NodeJS mapper with TypeORM that helped to move over 4 million records from PostgreSQL DB to MongoDB, and developing the AWS architecture of the company using Terraform and Packer. They have also deployed NestJS GraphQL applications in a microservices setup in ECS using ECR, and set up the company's CI/CD architecture using GitHub actions, AWS CodeDeploy, and Serverless framework. Leon Lishenga has a wealth of technical skills including Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Prometheus, Grafana, GraphQL, NestJS, AWS CodeDeploy, Amazon ECS, MongoDB, MQTT, Loki, Promtail, Elasticsearch, Kibana, ECR, Amazon VPC, microservices, ReactJS, Next.js, PostgreSQL, Node Exporter, Terraform, Node.js, Jenkins, AWS Lambda, continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), and Docker. Leon Lishenga's goal is to use their skills and expertise to develop innovative solutions that can help address the issue of global energy poverty and improve the lives of people around the world.

Software Engineer
Feb'22- Mar'23

    Senior Software Engineer
    Mar'21- Mar'22

    Data streaming using Spark SQL, Spark MiLIB, Spark Streaming and Spark GraphX
    Creating and deploying data pipeline and big data applications using Apache Spark, Apache Kafka, Spring Cloud Stream, SpringBoot and MongoDB
    Deploying Spring Boot GraphQL apps and Node Js GraphQL apps while implementing Apollo Federation for the different microservices.
    Deployment of Microservices architecture on AWS ECS clusters.
    Deployment of Microservices using Consul and Ingress.
    Enabling microservices to communicate with each other using Apache Kafka.
    Managing Kubernetes clusters on master and worker nodes.
    Managing IOT architecture on cloud platforms.
    Coding and deploying Spring Boot, Nest Js, React Js, Next Js and Node Js applications

    Team Lead
    Omnivoltaic Energy Solutions
    Dec'20- present

      I am currently working as a Team lead, DevOps, and Backend Engineer at an energy and IOT company. My main responsibilities include managing a team of 4 developers and overseeing the full software development lifecycle.
      Here are my accomplishments:
      • Created a NodeJS mapper with TypeORM that helped to move over 4 million records from PostgreSQL DB to MongoDB.
      • Developed the AWS architecture of the company using Terraform and Packer, including AWS CI/CD Codedeploy * pipelines, AWS VPCs, AWS ECS, and ECR.
      • Deployed NestJS GraphQL applications in a microservices setup in ECS using ECR.
      • Set up the company's CI/CD architecture using GitHub actions, AWS Codedeploy, and Serverless framework.
      • Deployed NodeJs applications in Lambda functions using the Serverless framework.
      • Set up the company logging and metrics system using Prometheus, Grafana, Chronograf, Promtail, Loki, Blackbox, and Node Exporter.
      • Used AWS cloudformation to enable Terraform to deploy the various architectures.
      • Deployed the MongoDB architecture using replica sets to enable data availability and consistency.
      • Managed the migration of the system from the old legacy architecture of NodeJS, S3, AWS Lambda functions, and WordPress to a modern and cutting-edge architecture that uses NestjS Framework, GraphQL, ReactJS, MongoDB, AWS VPCs, AWS ECS, ECR.
      • Implemented search functionalities using ElasticSearch, Kibana, and Logstash for the microservices in an AWS VPC and load balancers.

      IOT Engineer
      Omnivoltaic Energy Solutions
      Dec'20- Dec'20

        Technical Writer
        Nov'20- Mar'22

        My role involves preparation of instruction manuals and articles with the main goal to communicate complex, technical information more easily. The technical pieces I write centre around cutting edge technologies in the software industry for instance USSD, Docker, Amazon ECS, Kubernetes, Java Spring Boot, Rest and GraphQL APIs, React Native, React Js, Nest Node Js Framework, Python Django just to name a few. This helps to decouple some of the technologies in the industry.

        Senior Software Engineer
        Oct'19- Aug'20

        As a senior software engineer in a team, I was tasked with migrating an old legacy system from Laravel PHP to a more modern Django Python application. The system operated like Upwork as freelance writers could bid for jobs posted in the platform by users who want articles to be written by them, the writers could be rated, there were referals bonuses for writers, uploading of articles, file management among many other features. I helped in moving the sites of the system from cpanel to digitalocean droplets, containerizing the application into docker container using nginx as the reverse proxy. The system used POSTGRESQL as the database. It was a monolithic application with code in a repo in github.

        Lead Software Engineer
        Apr'19- Aug'20

        This role entailed creating an application that could list the agriculture machinery and farming products that are being sold and how farmers can have access to them. The system had an inventory management system, file management system and HR system. The system was created in Laravel PHP with cpanel as the hosting platform, the databse of the system was of MYSQL. It was a monolithic system having the backend and frontend in one application. I created the mobile application using React Native to function as a hybrid app for both android and IOS. I used firebase to send push notifications. For the mobile app i used css, react bootstrap and material design to design the UI/UX components.

        Senior Software Engineer
        Lanthanion Solutions
        Nov'18- Sep'20

        This role entailed creating an application that could track the a potential customers interactions with an e-commerce website. Most of the times customers usually come to an ecommerce platform show interest in a product but not buying it. The system was supposed to work by tracking the customer web movements and send ads that are geared to what the customer showed interest in when he or she was on the ecommerce website. I managed a team of two developers who were focused on backend and frontend.

        Apart from managing a team, I came up with the whole project architecture, I created the system using Spring Boot Java in a microservices method of implementation, I used Spring Cloud to manage service discovery, load balancing and checking of logs using spring cloud sleuth. The services were containerized using docker and deployed using CI/CD pipelines of github and AWS codeploy automated by yaml scripts. I managed the devops process. The services could communicate with each other using Redis. The services were deployed into EC2 instances running on AWS ECS clusters. The clusters were in a vpn setup using AWS vpc. We used consul as a service mesh to manage the services discoverability and communication. The databases of the services were in mysql with stored procedures being implemented. An ingress gateway was used to load balance the services.

        A javascript sdk was created to generate using IDs for each potential customer

        Full Stack Engineer
        NewPoint Hospital
        Aug'16- Nov'18

        My role at this company was of a fullstack developer who was tasked with creating and managing a tertiary institution management system. The system had the following modules: HR system, accounting system, inventory system, hospitality system, finance system, payroll system among many other features. The system was made using Laravel PHP in a monolithic architecture using MYSQL as the database.The application was deployed in a DigitalOcean droplets with NGINX as the loadbalancer and reverse proxy. The code and documentation of the application was hosted in github in a collaborative effort.

        Bachelor of Engineering - BE, Telecommunications and Information Engineering
        zu 2020
        Bachelor's Degree
        Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

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        Talent hat keine Kurse hinzugefügt
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