Abdulrahman .
egypt Alexandria, Egypt ( GMT )
2 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

Abdulrahman is an enthusiastic Software Engineer with a HUGE passion for backend and cloud tech. He enjoys learning new technologies and implementing them in real-life projects. Abdulrahman's passion for backend and cloud technologies, along with his experience in full-stack development, microservices architecture, and domain-driven design practices, make him a valuable asset in software engineering projects.

Abdulrahman is an enthusiastic Software Engineer with a HUGE passion for backend and cloud tech. He enjoys learning new technologies and implementing them in real-life projects. Abdulrahman's passion for backend and cloud technologies, along with his experience in full-stack development, microservices architecture, and domain-driven design practices, make him a valuable asset in software engineering projects.

Software Engineer
Nov'21- present

Responsibilities: Responsible for delivering high-quality, testable outputs that align with business needs while integrating contemporary best practices. Actively involved in planning and designing new projects and features, contributing to architectural decisions. Additionally, provide mentorship to junior engineers, assisting in work best practices and collaborating on daily tasks. 

Software Industry and Multimedia
Von 2018 zu 2022
Bachelor's Degree
Alexandria University, Faculty of Science - Egypt

Savvy (Outsourcing Project)

  •  Savvy is a US insurance-based project which helps US citizens get better insurance quotes

  • Responsibilities:

    • Developed Back-End functionalities with highly efficient data storage and management solutions (using TypeScript, Node.js, and Firestore as a NoSQL database).

    • Implemented modern monitoring and reporting solutions that provided a real-time understanding of system performance through Datadog and Looker integrations.

    • Enhanced user analytics, tracking, and behavior by utilizing the industry's best tools (including Sentry, Segment, and Amplitude).

Time Doctor (Outsourcing Project)

  • Responsibilities:

    • Developed Front-End features for the Timedoctor2 website (using TypeScript, NextJs).

    • Managed to detect and fix an internal critical bug that was costing a lot of processing CPU and storage for the MQ instance where the failed messages were retrying infinite times causing 100% CPU usage in the MQ Google Pub/Sub cloud instance.

    • Documented the system communication mechanisms between microservices, investigating them, and listing down any deficiency found.

Al-Muhrak (Outsourcing Project)

  • Responsibilities

    • Reviewed the Project Codebase and Reported all critical insecurities for Frontend-Side and Backend-Side apps under OWSAP.

    • Added Error Monitoring for the backend server (with Sentry).

ProCrew Marketplace (Internal ProCrew Project)

  • Responsibilities:

    • Worked on a developers' marketplace platform using NestJs for the backend RESTful APIs and NextJs for the front end.

    • Implemented the search feature using Elasticsearch and implemented a mechanism to migrate searchable data from MySQL database to Elasticsearch nodes.

    • Used Docker-Compose to run the Elasticsearch and Kibana instances.

    • Created reusable components in the Frontend.

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