Mubin .
pakistan Lahore, Pakistan ( GMT )
10 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

I am Mubin, I have 10+ years of industry experience with multiple tech stacks. I love to work with NodeJS and React. I, also, love data and love to work with the data to clean it, draw the dashboards, analytics on top of the data. I have also good leadership capabilities. I have worked as Team Lead, Engineering Manager, and VP Engineering.

I am Mubin, I have 10+ years of industry experience with multiple tech stacks. I love to work with NodeJS and React. I, also, love data and love to work with the data to clean it, draw the dashboards, analytics on top of the data. I have also good leadership capabilities. I have worked as Team Lead, Engineering Manager, and VP Engineering.

VP Engineering
Jan'23- present

As an experienced tech leader, I've led diverse engineering teams to create innovative solutions that exceed client expectations. I'm passionate about fostering a culture of improvement and technical excellence. With a strong track record in scalable software, resource management, and client relationships, I'm ready to help your organization achieve its tech and business goals.

Technical Leadership: 1. Provide technical vision and leadership to the engineering teams. 2. Stay current with emerging technologies and industry trends to guide technology decisions.
Team Management: 1. Led and managed a team of engineers, including front-end and back-end developers, mobile app developers, and QA engineers. 2. Foster a culture of innovation, collaboration, and continuous improvement.
Project Planning and Execution: 1. Oversee project planning, including resource allocation, timelines, and budgeting. 2. Ensure successful project delivery by setting clear goals and priorities. Technology Stack Expertise: 1. Maintain a deep understanding of the technology stack, including Node.js, React, TypeScript, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, React Native, and Google Analytics. 2. Guide the selection of appropriate technologies for client projects. Client Engagement: 1. Collaborate with clients to understand their business needs and provide technical solutions. 2. Act as a technical advisor and build strong client relationships. Architecture and Design: 1. Architect scalable and maintainable software solutions. 2. Ensure that the technical architecture aligns with client requirements and long-term goals.
Resource Management: 1. Manage engineering resources efficiently, including hiring, training, and career development. 2. Plan for resource scaling based on project needs. Client Satisfaction: 1. Monitor client satisfaction and address any concerns or issues promptly. 2. Ensure the delivery of high-quality solutions that meet or exceed client expectations. Budgeting and Cost Control: 1. Manage engineering budgets and ensure projects are delivered within budget constraints. Risk Management: 1. Identify and mitigate technical risks and challenges on projects. 2. Develop contingency plans to address unexpected issues. Innovation and Research: 1. Encourage innovation within the engineering teams and explore new technologies to stay competitive. Communication and Reporting: 1. Provide regular updates and reports to senior management and stakeholders on project progress and performance.

Software architect
Jan'21- present

I played a pivotal role at Honeycomb Credit, leading the development of a crowdfunding platform for local businesses. I handled architectural design, team leadership, and full-stack development, contributing to the platform's success and growth.

Architectural Leadership: 1. Led the architectural design of the platform's backend and database system, ensuring scalability, reliability, and performance. 2. Designed and implemented APIs using Node.js (TypeScript) to support core platform functionalities. 3. Orchestrated the deployment of the application on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using GitHub and CircleCI for CI/CD. Quality Assurance (QA): 1. Established and managed quality assurance processes, ensuring the robustness and reliability of the platform. 2. Conducted comprehensive testing and coordinated testing efforts across the development team. Code Reviews and Releases: 1. Led code review processes, maintaining code standards, and ensuring the quality of the codebase. 2. Managed and supervised the release process, ensuring smooth and efficient deployments. Technology Stack: 1. Utilized Node.js (TypeScript) for backend development, Redis for caching, and MySQL as the primary data store. 2. Employed Kubernetes clusters to host the application on GCP, ensuring scalability and resilience. Admin Dashboards and Tools: 1. Developed comprehensive admin dashboards and management tools for efficiently overseeing investors, campaigns, businesses, and platform operations. 2. Integrated third-party services, including North Capital (escrow), Plaid (bank connections), Dwolla (digital wallets), Idology (KYC), Stripe (payments), Mailgun (emailing), and Twilio (SMS notifications). User Experience: 1. Enhanced user experience by building interactive web applications using React and Next.js. 2. Contributed to the creation of an intuitive and user-friendly interface for investors and campaign owners. Team Leadership: 1. Mentored and guided development teams, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing. 2. Ensured project milestones and deliverables were met in a timely and efficient manner. Notable Achievements: 1. Successfully launched and maintained a crowdfunding platform that empowered local businesses and communities to raise capital. 2. Enabled secure and efficient financial transactions through the integration of payment gateways and identity verification services. 3. Played a central role in the adoption of modern technologies, facilitating the platform's growth and scalability.

Senior FullStack Engineer
Jan'21- present

Code Maintenance: 1. Maintain and enhance the existing Python, React, ElasticSearch, Redis, and PostgreSQL components. 2. Debug and resolve issues reported by users or detected through monitoring. Feature Development: 1. Develop new features and functionality based on user requirements and business needs. 2. Collaborate with product managers and stakeholders to define feature specifications. Database Management: 1. Manage the PostgreSQL database, including schema changes, optimization, and data migrations. 2. Ensure data integrity and security. AWS Deployment: 1. Manage the deployment of the platform on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. 2. Configure and scale the environment to accommodate changes in traffic and load. API Development: 1. Transition the backend from Python to Node.js using the Nest framework. 2. Develop RESTful to support the platform's functionality. Performance Optimization: 1. Identify and address performance bottlenecks in both the front end and back end. 

Security: 1. Implement security best practices to protect user data and the platform from threats. 2. Stay updated on security vulnerabilities and apply necessary patches. Version Control and Collaboration: 1. Use version control tools like Git for code management and collaboration. 2. Work closely with a team of developers, designers, and other stakeholders. 
Deployment and DevOps: 1. Assist in deploying and maintaining the platform on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. 2. Collaborate with DevOps engineers for infrastructure setup and automation. Monitoring and Logging: 1. Implement monitoring solutions to track system performance and detect issues using Sentry. 2. Set up comprehensive logging for debugging and auditing purposes through the AWS logs. Documentation: 1. Maintain technical documentation for code, APIs, and system architecture. 2. Create guides for onboarding new team members. Technical Research: 1. Stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies. 2. Evaluate and recommend new tools or frameworks for the platform's improvement. Scalability Planning: 1. Plan for the platform's scalability as user and data volumes increase. 2. Implement strategies for horizontal and vertical scaling using AWS load balancer. Code Refactoring: 1. Continuously refactor code to improve maintainability, readability, and performance. Communication and Training: 1. Communicate technical information effectively to both technical and non-technical stakeholders. 2. Provide training or guidance to junior team members. Compliance and Regulations: 1. Ensure that the platform complies with relevant data protection and privacy regulations. Backup and Disaster Recovery Planning: 1. Develop and maintain backup and disaster recovery strategies

Engineering Manager
Jan'20- Dec'22

Team Leadership and Management: 1. Led and managed a team of 5 engineers, fostering collaboration and a highperformance culture. 2. Defined team goals, objectives, and individual responsibilities to ensure project success. Technical Expertise: 1. Demonstrated proficiency in Node.js, React, Next, TypeScript, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. 2. Utilized deep technical knowledge to guide and mentor team members, ensuring best practices and code quality. Project Planning and Execution: 1. Developed project roadmaps, timelines, and resource allocation plans. 

Git and Version Control: 1. Implemented Git workflows and best practices for code management and collaboration. 2. Ensured the team's adherence to version control standards. CI/CD Implementation: 1. Implemented Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) pipelines using Jenkins, and CircleCI. 2. Reduced deployment times and improved overall software delivery processes. 
Database Management: 1. Managed relational databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL for data storage and retrieval. 2. Oversaw database schema design, optimization, and performance tuning. Code Review and Quality Assurance: 1. Conducted code reviews to maintain code quality and adherence to coding standards. 2. Implemented automated testing strategies to catch bugs early in the development cycle. Technical Architecture and Design: 1. Designed scalable and maintainable software architectures using Node.js and React. 2. Made architectural decisions that supported long-term product goals. Collaboration and Communication: 1. Facilitated communication and collaboration between cross-functional teams, including product management and design. 2. Communicated technical concepts effectively to both technical and non-technical stakeholders. Problem Solving and Troubleshooting: 1. Addressed complex technical challenges and provided guidance to resolve issues. 2. Implemented strategies to proactively identify and mitigate technical risks. Performance Optimization: 1. Improved application performance by optimizing code, database queries, and infrastructure. 2. Implemented caching strategies and load-balancing techniques. Documentation: 1. Maintained comprehensive technical documentation, including architecture diagrams, API documentation, and coding standards. Agile Methodologies: 1. Managed software development processes using Agile methodologies (e.g., Scrum, Kanban). 2. Conducted sprint planning, retrospectives, and daily stand-up meetings. Team Development: 1. Supported the career growth and development of team members through mentorship and coaching. 2. Identified training opportunities and facilitated skill-building. Vendor and Tool Evaluation: 1. Evaluated and selected third-party tools, libraries, and services to enhance development processes and efficiency

FullStack Developer
Jan'19- Dec'19

As a Fullstack Developer at HouseMaster, I spearheaded the creation of an innovative offline-first home inspection app using Node.js. This app transformed the inspection process, working seamlessly on mobile and tablet devices even without an internet connection.

Offline Data Management: 
Developed a robust system that allowed inspectors to work offline and later merge their data into the same inspection report. This was achieved through the strategic use of CouchDB for data storage and synchronization. Frontend Expertise: 
Utilized Vue.js on the front end, enhanced with PouchDB, to manage and synchronize data efficiently. This ensured a smooth transition between offline and online modes while maintaining data integrity. Data Management and Labeling: 
Assessed and organized existing data points, cleaning and tagging them appropriately for seamless integration into the system.
This process optimizes data accessibility within the application, regardless of the online/offline state. Scalable Image Handling: 
Implemented a robust image handling system that efficiently managed a large volume of images in offline mode, enhancing the application's usability and performance. The application was capable of syncing images to S3 buckets once got the connectivity. Cloud Integration: 
Developed a feature that allowed the finalization and compression of inspection reports, which could then be securely transmitted to cloud servers.
My contributions at HouseMaster exemplify my expertise in full-stack development, offline-first applications, data management, and system optimization, all of which were critical in streamlining the home inspection process and enhancing overall efficiency.

Data Engineer
Jan'17- Dec'18

As a Data Engineer at Automatiq (Brokergenius), I played a central role in designing and optimizing data pipelines, enabling efficient data processing and analysis. My work encompassed a wide range of technologies and responsibilities, including Data Loading: 

Implemented robust data loading processes to efficiently ingest and transform data from various sources(Stubhub, and clickstream data). Data Architecture: 
Collaborated with Data Architects/Scientists to design data models and structures that supported the organization's analytical needs. Workflow Automation: 
Utilized Apache Airflow to orchestrate complex data workflows, ensuring data tasks were executed reliably and on schedule. Big Data Technologies: 
Worked with technologies such as Apache Spark, Hive, and HBase to process and analyze large datasets, enabling data-driven insights. Search and Analytics: 
Leveraged Elasticsearch for efficient data retrieval and search capabilities, enhancing data accessibility. Database Management: 
Managed and optimized MySQL databases to support data storage and retrieval requirements. MapR: 
Utilized MapR as a data platform, contributing to data storage and processing capabilities.
My tenure at Automatiq allowed me to gain expertise in the complete data lifecycle, from data ingestion and transformation to storage, analytics, and reporting. This experience enhanced my proficiency in Python programming, data engineering best practices, and the creation of data solutions that met the organization's evolving needs.

Development Team Lead
Jan'15- Dec'17

As a dedicated Team Lead and accomplished Backend Developer at Automatiq (Brokergenius), I led and empowered development teams, fostering collaboration and ensuring the successful creation of robust and high-performance REST APIs and automation APIs. My multifaceted role included: Leadership Excellence: 

Led, mentored, and guided development teams, aligning efforts with project objectives. I implemented and championed GitFlow, a version control methodology, to streamline code versioning, enhance collaboration, and maintain codebase integrity. Backend Development: 
Spearheaded the development of mission-critical backend solutions using PHP in conjunction with the Laravel framework. I meticulously crafted scalable and efficient REST APIs and automation APIs, underpinning the core functionality of our applications. Real-time Communication: 
Engineered an innovative real-time communication infrastructure, leveraging RethinkDB. This facilitated seamless and instantaneous data exchange between the backend and frontend applications, enriching user experiences and enhancing overall system responsiveness. Automated Ticket Price Calculations: 
Devised and implemented a sophisticated automated ticket price calculation system using RabbitMQ. 
This system executed queues at precise intervals, ensuring real-time synchronization with external marketplaces like StubHub. 
The time-sensitive nature of this operation demanded meticulous planning and execution to keep ticket prices competitive and up to date. Asynchronous Messaging:
Introduced and managed RabbitMQ, a robust message queuing system. By implementing asynchronous messaging and task processing, I enhanced system reliability, enabling efficient handling of background tasks and event-driven workflows.
Database Management: 
Orchestrated effective database management using MySQL, expertly optimizing database queries and architecting schemas to ensure efficient data storage and retrieval. Version Control & Collaboration: 
Oversaw code repositories on GitHub, ensuring a collaborative development environment, comprehensive version history, and rigorous code review processes to maintain code quality. Caching
Implemented Redis for efficient data caching, dramatically improving API response times and enhancing system performance.
My pivotal role as Team Lead and Backend Developer allowed me to harmoniously blend technical expertise with strong leadership skills, driving the development of critical APIs and ensuring seamless communication between backend and frontend applications. This experience not only enriched my proficiency in PHP, Laravel, and backend development best practices but also included the implementation of time-sensitive automation for ticket price calculations, contributing significantly to the success of complex projects and promoting the growth and innovation of the organization.

Automation engineer
Health Carousel
Jun'13- Aug'15

As an Automation Engineer at Health Carousel, I played a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency of the job-searching mechanism by developing a comprehensive automation solution. My responsibilities included:

Aggregated Job Listings: 
Engineered automated scripts using Selenium, Python, and PHP to collect job listings from over 30 different online portals. This process involved web scraping and data extraction to ensure we had access to a wide range of job opportunities. Data Integration: 
Designed a streamlined process to aggregate and centralize job listings into the database(MySQL) and to the company's CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system. This integration improved the organization's ability to manage and distribute job opportunities effectively within the team. Automation Expertise: 
Leveraged automation engineering principles to create a robust and scalable system that could efficiently handle a large volume of job listings from diverse sources. Technology Stack: 
Utilized a mix of technologies, including Python for scripting and automation, Selenium for web scraping and interaction with web portals, PHP for data manipulation and integration, and Java for specific automation tasks. Process Optimization: 
Continuously improved and optimized the automation process to adapt to changes in job portals and data formats, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the collected information.
My role at Health Carousel allowed me to leverage my expertise in automation engineering and a diverse technology stack to create an efficient and comprehensive job searching mechanism. This initiative enhanced the organization's reach and effectiveness in identifying relevant job opportunities and contributed to a more streamlined and data driven approach to the recruitment process.

Computer Science
Von 2009 zu 2013
Bachelor's Degree
University of Sargodha - Pakistan

Talent hat keine Projekte hinzugefügt
Introduction to GraphQL
LinkedIn Learning - Pakistan
Von 2023 zu 2023

I had missed that skill. I never got a chance to work with GraphQL. So I've recently completed that course.

Talent hat keine Schulungen hinzugefügt