Brian .
kenya Nairobi, Kenya ( GMT )
4 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

Highly skilled software engineer with extensive experience in full-stack development, front-end development, and site reliability engineering. Proficient in Python, Django, JavaScript, React, Redux, TypeScript, C# and Scala. Proven track record of delivering high-quality, scalable, and maintainable software solutions. Experienced in mentoring and leading engineering teams.

Highly skilled software engineer with extensive experience in full-stack development, front-end development, and site reliability engineering. Proficient in Python, Django, JavaScript, React, Redux, TypeScript, C# and Scala. Proven track record of delivering high-quality, scalable, and maintainable software solutions. Experienced in mentoring and leading engineering teams.

Software Engineer II
Jan'21- present

● Was able to onboard onto the large company quickly, added value and got a promotion(In the same Engineering band) barely a year after joining the company. ● Responsible for reporting and recommending configurations that would boost the health status of Microsoft services/apps. ● Responsible for maintenance and development of registration portal for Microsoft applications. ● I added a framework that is being used to automate manual tasks. It currently has over 13 tasks onboarded onto it. ● Boosted the performance of one of the tasks from over an hour-long execution to less than 10 minutes of execution thus allowing room to be on-boarded onto the automation framework. ● I have worked on a design proposal that boosts the recovery time of our service by over 100%, reduces development time by over 80% and unblocks one of the features that has been blocked for some time. This proposal has been accepted and prototypes are yet to be built. Part of it is being used on some new features. ● Besides my usual tasks, I was able to boost the reliability of our service by over 60% by introducing retries with exponential backoff to the service which helped resolve intermittent outages that often led to failures. This reduced the number of tasks that our on-call engineers needed to attend to thus allowing them to focus on more important issues. ● I have mentored many newer members of the team who later became subject matter experts in various domains. ● I learnt scala and azure synapse in a week after which I was able to handle feature migration to the new platform with high availability and scalability. Besides, I built a framework on top of which members of the team could onboard their new features without having to reinvent the wheel. [TODO: Update details of the jobs] ● I have been on multiple on-call rotations, during which I have handled various incidents and created troubleshooting guides that other team members have leveraged. ● [TODO: Talk about the recent boost in performance of pipelines from over 30 mins to 4 mins with the boost in accuracy]. ● I added caching mechanism on the API call-intensive component of one of our services thus reducing the number of duplicate API calls made (saving cost) and boosting the execution time from over 30 minutes to ~8 minutes. ● [TODO: Include information about the addition of a staging environment to the service thus enabling safe deployment]

Software Engineer
Powered By People
Jun'20- Aug'20

Responsible for front-end development and maintenance of Powered By People production platform in JavaScript/React/Redux.

Software Engineer
Apr'20- Jan'21

● Responsible for the front-end development of DevelapMe, a feedback platform. ● Developing and maintaining front-end features in TypeScript/React-Redux. ● I improved the architecture of the application and mentored the team on the importance of single-responsibility components and functions.

Software Engineer Technical Team Lead Aerotage United States
Sep'19- Feb'20

● Responsible for developing Aurora, a recruitment system for Aerotage and managing the engineering teams. ● As a team lead, I am responsible for building more technical parts of the product, working on high-priority tasks, handling Site Reliability Engineering issues, solving urgent problems and helping junior engineers handle their tasks. ● I improved the front end's performance by leveraging redux to cache data and preventing unnecessary API calls.

Software Engineer
Apr'19- Sep'19

A front-end engineer (TypeScript/React/Redux) in a team responsible for the development of an asset management system for Andela where I developed features for viewing asset categories and subcategories, searching and displaying searched data, viewing asset-supporting documents, updating asset categories and subcategories besides fixing bugs and working on chores. Besides feature developments, I was able to solve the problem of delays in the delivery of tasks due to anti-patterns in pull request reviews. We were able to deliver more quantity and quality in the subsequent sprints. I also took the initiative to fix intermittent failures of end-to-end tests in continuous integration tools thus enabling the team to write thoroughly tested code. ● Full-stack Engineer (Python/Django & JavaScript/React/Redux) in a team responsible for developing Authors Haven, a project that helps create a community of like-minded authors to foster inspiration and innovation by leveraging the modern web. Learned React and Redux in a week, after which I developed features for searching articles, highlighting texts, signup and login. ● Mentored Timmy, a new Engineer on Software Design Patterns and the values of SOLID Principles in Software Engineering. He was able to add value to the team by writing quality code and suggesting better solutions during pull request reviews.

Software Engineer
Healthix Solutions
Aug'18- Mar'19

I was a backend and Site Reliability Engineer (Python/Django), responsible for the development of REST ful APIs and maintenance of Ubuntu servers for Healthix, a product that bridges transactions between insurance companies and Hospitals. During downtimes, I was charged with the role of leading the team toward finding feasible solutions.

Bsc. Mathematics and Computer Science
zu 2018
Bachelor's Degree
Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology

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