Muritadoh .
nigeria Lagos, Nigeria ( GMT )
2 Jahre Erfahrung
Kann beitreten ASAP Englisch: Fortgeschritten

Highly efficient software engineer with 4 years experience with proven competency in analysis and delivery of software solutions across various verticals including fintech and healthtech. Looking forward to improve my skills.

Highly efficient software engineer with 4 years experience with proven competency in analysis and delivery of software solutions across various verticals including fintech and healthtech. Looking forward to improve my skills.

Senior Software Engineer
Touch and Pay Technologies
Jan'21- present

Contributes to the development of an SDK with integration to Unified Payments (UP) that businesses can integrate into their platform to accept payment from their customers. Lead the integration between alat by wema bank and cowry that enable users direct wallet to wallet top-up. Added wallet top-up capability to the company flagship app 'Cowry' by integrating with VFD microfinance bank. Designed and developed a settlement system that integrates with NIBBS public API to provide automated payment merchants with direct credit bank accounts according to the configurations and setup. Integrate Paystack direct bank debit features into MerchantPay system that enable merchant perform direct debit on customer account with customer authorization. Set up Azure services and configuration to manage and host the organization settlement system. Developed a real-time tracking system for BRTs to provide live location and transit detail reports for a BRTs for a Czech Republic based organisation. Integrated with Leadway insurance through REST API to provide HMO and health insurance to our users. Set up CI CD pipelines for some of our projects with GitHub Actions to automate code quality check, and regression and simplify deployment to the cloud platforms. Integrates cloud logging capability into new and existing projects to enable realtime visibility into application performance, system metrics, and distributed error tracing.

Software Engineer
Majadtek Nigeria Company
Jun'19- Sep'20

Developed the ERP system NextERP, using PHP Laravel for accounting firms. Designed, architect, and developed a fixed assets management system named Fams360 used by active organisations in the country. Developed the system that enables the tracking of the information related to an asset for financial reporting purposes and the physical location of assets. Utilised: PHP(OOP), Laravel, Mysql, Git, Javascript, NodeJS

Software Engineer
De Cloud23 Technologies Ibadan
Oct'18- Jun'19

Nigeria Updated the project Trendy Network from the existing third-party airtime purchase API to vtPass API for reliable and seamless airtime, data, network, cable, and bill payment services. Implemented discount functionality into an existing payment service project. Developed an algorithm to calculate user discount relative to the service and administrator discount configuration. Collaborate with a more senior engineer in the team to develop a gift card system, that allows users to buy, gift, and redeem gift cards, with integration to Pasystack for payment collection. Utilized: NodeJS, Control Panel, PHP, Laravel, Git, Github, Github Action

Computer Science
zu 2022
Bachelor's Degree
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

Developed the Intelligent Transportation System for the Lagos metropolitan area transport authority to coordinate real-time buses, transportation schedules, and infrastructures. Built a tracking service with Node.js to emit real-time bus tracking data with web sockets. Implemented a feature that leverages the haversine algorithm to calculate total distance coverage by bus coordinate points location. Set up CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Build and GitHub.

Settlement System

Develop merchant, settlement and consumer microservice. Integrate with multiple payment processing platform for direct bank to bank settlement using strategy pattern. Setup microservice API Gateway, reverse proxy using Ngnix,

Health Touch

Health Touch is a solution to manage payments between health insurance companies, hospitals, and organizations across Nigeria. Was responsible for implementing a role-based access control mechanism to restrict system authorization access. Developed enrolment service to onboard providers and HMO staff. Built and integrated a wallet-based system for seamless payment settlement between HMOs and hospitals.

Intelligent Transportation System (ITS)

Developed the Intelligent Transportation System for the Lagos metropolitan area transport authority to coordinate real-time buses, transportation schedules, and infrastructures. Built a tracking service with Node.js to emit real-time bus tracking data with web sockets. Implemented a feature that leverages the haversine algorithm to calculate total distance coverage by bus coordinate points location. Set up CI/CD pipeline with Google Cloud Build and GitHub.

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