Full Stack Engineer
Jun'2020 - Jan'2021
1- Developing the front-end of the product using React/Redux (Hooks) and libraries such as Redux-
Thunk, Axios, and React-Bootstrap.
2- Automated the Aggregation of data of sporting goods products from multiple data sources into a
single database using Python, AWS S3, AWS Cloud Watch Events, AWS Lambda, and PostgreSQL.
3- Developed the backend of the product using AWS Serverless Application Model and Deployed APIs
to API Gateway.
4- Automated the deployment of frontend, backend using AWS cloud formation, AWS S3, AWS
Cloudfront, AWS Route 53, AWS Lambda, CloudWatch Logs, and CloudWatch Events.
5- Reduced Data Ingestion time from hours to a few minutes saving 95% cost of Servers.
6- Optimized the performance of the Database with proper indexes and APIs with Caching.