Software Engineer
Codemarshal It Systems
Apr'2018 - May'2021
FieldMarshal: Primary purpose of FieldMarshal is to track the performance of field force using gis and face
recognition technology. I developed Runner and Distributor module.
CodeMarshal Skeleton: Codemarshal skeleton is a
reusable backend module for all future projects of Codemarshal to perform responsibility such as
authentication, permission, messaging, Geo data
management. Codemarshal Skeleton is successfully
integrated into around ten developed and ongoing
development projects here in Codemarshal. I am one of the core designer and developer.
Ronangon: Ronangon is a platform for developing logical
and analytical thinking through edutainment games of
Bangladesh Liberation war. Platform is designed with
this motive that here users will improve their logical and
analytical thinking through edutainment games. I
developed Ranklist, Dashboard, User Profile, News Feed,
Achievement Module. .