Stefan .

Stefan .

  • Web developer
  • **** **** ****
  • 5 yrs Experience
  • Within a Week
  • Senior

A passionate web technology researcher currently working for Clariness as a Full Stack Engineer and planning to advance in web technology studies. Very motivated to learn new technologies and master learned. I prefer working in a team environment where everybody can learn something from others. I graduated with the highest marks. My specialties are Frontend and ReactJS, but I also use other JavaScript libraries for both Frontend and Backend.



Master Software Engineer

University of Naisus, Master's Degree, Serbia
2021 - 2023

Bachelor of Engineering

Military Academy, Bachelor's Degree, Serbia
2014 - 2018

Work & Experience


Full Stack Engineer

Sep'2023 - Present
In my current position, I work as a Full Stack Engineer. Developing a Platform that connects sponsors in the pharmaceutical industry with Clariness – a company that offers services in patient recruitment, connecting sites with sponsors in medical trials, etc. I work with NextJS, React, MaterialUI, Tanstack Query, DynamoDB and AWS

JavaScript Engineer
May'2021 - Mar'2023
-- Mar 2023 In this position I was responsible for: creation of programs, procession of existing applications, control of program functionality, software design, construction, testing and maintenance. The is a platform used by millions of people all over the world. I was the most responsible person for information domain of the customer support platform that gathers a lot of services in one place. On daily basis I use React with TS, Redux, Context, Node.js, GraphQL and Relay.

Indexing Specialist

NDA Company
Aug'2020 - May'2021
In this position I maintain the platform build for web scrapping, making scripts for searching for the metadata in scientific publishers' journals. Also developing custom scripts for collecting metadata from publishers all over the world and indexing it in database that will be later used for widget that is installed on their website and suggests recommendations. On daily basis I use React, Node.js and Puppeteer.

Platoon Commander

Ministry of Defense
Sep'2018 - Jul'2021
A business with great responsibility, discipline and the need to think rationally. Collaboration with people and a fair relationship in the collective. Maintaining radar system for reconnaissance (hardware and software).

Professional Skills

  • Redux 4 year(s)
  • CSS 6 year(s)
  • HTML 6 year(s)
  • TypeScript 3 year(s)
  • Javascript 6 year(s)
  • MongoDB 3 year(s)
  • Firebase 3 year(s)
  • Graphql 3 year(s)
  • Heroku 3 year(s)
  • Git 5 year(s)
  • AWS 1 year(s)
  • JIRA 3 year(s)
  • Next.js 3 year(s)
  • React js 4 year(s)


  • English good
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