Game developer
Pixel stamp
Jul'2017 - Dec'2017
● Created AR and VR projects that serve digital marketing using unity3d and Vuforia
● Created C# scripts to control UI, animations, and app system
Side projects
● Crawled content from Akhbarak articles to a mysql database using the nokogiri gem.
● Made pagination over articles using kaminari gem.
● Used background jobs that crawl content from akhbarak using sidekiq and redis.
● Wrote unit tests to cover code using Rspec.
● built a tool that will take an arbitrarily-long URL and will shorten it for the user.
● Users are able to make lists and add items to the list, marking the items as completed.
● Full authentication system.
AA Questions app (Ruby, SQL, ORM design pattern) Github Repository
● Setup the database and then over it a Ruby code to map the data from the database into Ruby
objects in memory that we can work with.
Last hope for earth - 3D first person shooter game (Graduation Project) (unity 3d, C#) Github Repository
● Designed and implemented c# scripts that control game objects, animations and the game system
● Applied artificial intelligence techniques for enemies to make the game more realistic.
Programming languages and technologies
● Programming languages: Ruby, C/C++, C#, html, css, JavaScript, git.
● Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis.