Principle Full Stack Software Engineer
Virtual Force
Aug'2019 - Mar'2023
Project: Zilliqa is a high-performance, high-security blockchain platform for enterprises and next-generation applications. Developed through
academic research and helmed by a team of experienced scientists,
engineers, venture creators and leaders in the financial services, Zilliqa
addresses limitations in scalability and security, enabling real-world
usability across a variety of industries, including finance, digital
advertising, and gaming.
● Working in a Scrum team of 8 working on the project, adding new feature and enhancing the existing functionality specifically the UI,
user friendly UI and migrating from ReactJs to NextJs framework.
● Developing 50+ reusable components using NextJs with react-conatiner as data store.
● By revamping the complete platform I increased the performance by 30%. Integrated 3rd party services (blockchait events etc). Managed
the graphQL API calls and user authentication/authorization.
● Built CI/CD pipelines and containerized them with Docker. For the authentication process used JWT token-based authorization. Added
refresh token mechanism for subsequent API calls which improved
security and helped to avoid brute force attack/middleman attacks.
Writing extensive unit test cases with a code coverage of 85% using
Jest, Enzyme Mocha and Chai.
Tech used: Typescript ReactJs NextJs NodeJs ExpressJs CI/CD
Sequlize GraphQL Knex Builder Supabase AWS AWS Lambda
S3 Jira Gitbub Scrum.
Senior Full Stack Software Engineer
Virtual Force, Lahore, Pakistan
Project: Giggle Finance is a funding platform for app-based freelancers & small businesses based in the US.
● Working in a Scrum team of 5 where I migrate the entire front end
from Angular to ReactJs and NextJs. The user onboarding to the
Giggle Finance system, Integration of Plaid SDK, Integration of
Payliane SDK for user payments. On the backend I work with Node/Express and Postgres DB.
● Developing 50+ reusable components using ReactJs and Redux.
● By revamping the complete platform I increased the performance by 50%. Integrated 3rd party services on both UI as well as on the server-side like Plaid SDK, and Payliance SDK to verify the customer
details and to check potential fraud cases. Managed the REST API
calls and user authentication/authorization.
● Built CI/CD pipelines and containerized them with Docker. For the authentication process used JWT token-based authorization. Added
refresh token mechanism for subsequent API calls which improved
security and helped to avoid brute force attack/middleman attacks.
Digitizing onboarding of new customers which reduced onboarding
time by 40%. Writing extensive unit test cases with a code coverage
of 90% using Jest, Enzyme Mocha and Chai.
Tech used: Javascript ReactJs NodeJs ExpressJs NextJs Redux
CI/CD Sequlize RESTApi PostgreSQL AWS S3 Nginx Pm2 Jira
Scrum Plaid SDK Payliance Google Sheet API Zoho CRM.
Senior Full Stack Software Engineer
Project: Rubix Onboarding - digital banking & fintech platform by Aion
Digital used by major banks in Gulf countries with 100k+ endpoint users.
● Worked in a Scrum team of 8 where I'm in charge of migrating the system from .net to NodeJs and NestJs. For the mobile app I worked
with React Native. Decoupled the complete monolithic architecture to a microservice architecture where I developed 4 microservices from scratch. For prototype and wire-frames we used Figma.
● Implemented a video call scheduling and a call routing feature,
DocuWare integration, volume-based business decision, English and Arabic optical character recognition (ORC) and machine readable
zone (MRZ) service integration. This reduced the REST API calls with NodeJs (NestJs & GraphQL) up to 40% which reduced the incoming
payloads. Created 15+ REST APIs and GraphQL integration among
others for Authentication & Authorization and used AWS S3 for file
storage. For the authentication process we have used the JWT token
based authorization.
Tech used: JavaScript NodeJs ExpressJs NestJs React Native
TypeScript GraphQL RESTApi SOAP-UI Microservice Architecture
AWS Docker Azure Pipeline Jira Scrum.
Lead Front End Engineer
Project: Digital Onboarding - a banking platform by Aion Digital, available
for download on Apple/Google Play Store allowing 100k+ customers to open their bank accounts remotely. I led an agile team of 4 that
developed the mobile app (onboarding module) from scratch using
React Native. I was responsible for the design and development of several API integrations of around 500+ bank APIs, e.g. DAON identity
integration of IDs (using React Native Bridge), MRZ, OCR and PACI
(Public Authority for Civil Information). Created APIs to connect React
Native and Node (Microservices). Built and managed 100+ REST API
calls and user authentication. Wrote extensive unit test cases with a
code coverage of 90% using Jest, Enzyme Mocha and Chai.
Tech used: JavaScript React Native React Native Bridge Java iOS
Redux AWS RESTApi Bitbucket Jira Scrum.