Software Development Consultant
Working IT Solutions
May'2019 - Aug'2019
My relationship with this organisation was a contract that spanned for 3 months and two weeks.
Within this time I was the Lead Engineer on a project that aided agents in the collection of data on all connected farmers working under the supervision of the client's company. I and the team came up with a solution that on first hand, performs the responsibilities of a RESTful API but most importantly focused
on offline first data stream storage.
This implementation, identified data files (Yaml) stored on unique devices registered on the platform, which at then uploaded when need be all in one request, data collected was managed by an Odoo (https://www.odoo.com) modelled dashboard specific to the project's requirements.
Lastly, a USSD implementation for payment collection was also implemented, this delivered service purchases right into the hands of respective farmers who have opted for it.
My time with the team was an amazing one, I had the privilege of working with very smart individuals from whom I gain a lot of knowledge from.
Stack and Frameworks Used:
Python, Dart, Odoo, Flutter, Docker, Kubernetes