Full Stack Developer
Mar'2021 - May'2021
Develop software solutions for a USA based startup company (https://www.marginedge.com) using
java spring framework, AWS, Cloud formation, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB in backend and React,
AngularJS, Javascript, HTML and CSS in the front end.
○ Working with various types of POS and accounting integrations using web scraping, bash scripting
and api to Integrate it to margin edge software.
○ Followed Agile methodology with sprint breakdown. Sometimes Worked as a scrum master as well.
○ Working as a reporting manager for a backend java application development team of 12-15 people
and a mobile application development team of 5-6 people. (managed total more than 20 people
○ Gained the knowledge of Web scraping, System design AWS lambda, cloud formation and dynamo DB,
Sonar qube etc