Full Stack Developer
Jul'2018 - Feb'2021
I learned a great technology over here i.e react js. I and my team members worked on many applications.
We Built an entire system for a call center company, in the Netherland.
Roles and responsibilities
• Used React js as a front end and MySQL, Firebase as databases. Made restful APIs with JWT token authentication.
• Built and maintained webRTC sessions using the asterisk server.
• Used jssip for controlling calling and facilities. Have good command on the frontend as well as backend.
• Integrated self-made python Chabot using, flask as backend APIs to handled requests.
• Deployed the Web app on AWS EC2 instance, connected it to special VPC having own subnets and routes to secure it. I also linked Route 53 with godaddy for the domain name to be linked.
Another great and huge project was basically a product, It was for the Transportation agencies. We built an application for the logistics move movement or goods movement app. Basically, in our country, there was a need for such an app. Because there were so many problems that were faced by the public. There were trust issues when moving some goods. There were breaching issues, there were theft issues. So our app was covering everything. In our app, we put real-time tracking systems. The payment was secured through online payment gateways. We even put the smart sharing feature to share the ride and much more I also made Test case files and then tested them as a beta test.
React JS, React Bootstrap, React Bootstrap Table 2, Bootstrap, Ant Design, FontAwsome Icons, Firebase, AWS, JWT, Php, MYSQL
Programming & Scripting Languages Html 5, Javascript, Jquery, CSS, C #
Development Frameworks React Js, React Bootstrap, Material UI, Tailwind Css, .Net Core, Node Js,
Development Tools & IDEs Visual Studio, SQL Management Studio, Azure, Visual Studi Code
Database Management Systems MySQL., Firebase, MongoDb
Servers EC2, Nginx, Apache2
Cloud-Based Systems Azure, AWS
Configuration, Build and Project Management Tools Git, Trello, Slack, Bitrix